Last Activity: 06/16/2016 15:08
05/04/2016 |
14:21 - Hello my name is JokesOnXeo, my friend Xeoooooo told me that Elitepvpers is an awesome webpage, so i looked now into it. I hope I have fun on this page and be always a friendly user. Thanks :) |
03/26/2016 |
13:22 - Deleted Posts |
06/09/2016 |
12:32 - I Love Play Vayne quoted With or without bot?
The price are cheap, so ofc, it will be botted.
Im not as other botters anyway. Private bot + 1 accounts botted in my ip. No bans in 5 months. |
05/26/2016 |
12:00 - Bobo quoted Schönes Knife ist aber Leider kein Blue Gem!
Case Hardened Blue Gems - CS:GO Trading & Weapon Information CS:GO Trading & Weapon Information
Bitte vorher informieren bevor man ir... |
05/25/2016 |
01:08 - hofo quoted Schönes Knife ist aber Leider kein Blue Gem!
Klar ist es das, alles über 90% ist definitiv ein blue gem. |
05/22/2016 |
18:08 - Swagy1337 quoted hab dir eine nachricht geschrieben
PS:Geld weg acc Weg Beweise kann ich gerne Geben.
http://www.pic-upload.de/view-30729675... |
05/16/2016 |
14:31 - Würde mich über Sirius freuen...
Gesendet von meinem D5503 mit Tapatalk
Hätte gerne Tower of Elements, Terra danke hast du!:)
Ist raus |
05/14/2016 |
22:19 - Deleted Posts |
21:58 - Deleted Posts |
05/13/2016 |
20:49 - Kennstdu quoted i can vouch
If you need a vouch for euw account from a trusted member feel free to pm me on skype : pi4a_343
Hey i could vouch if u want :)
I can give it cheaper for you guys ... |
05/11/2016 |
20:28 - NerdyGamerNerd quoted Which Server?
20:11 - Deleted Posts |
05/03/2016 |
15:26 - Random Accounts Shop
I am selling random Accounts
All Regions are aviable!
The Prices are:
random 1-30 Account --> 0,30€
random 1-30 inactive Account --> 0,40€
random 1-3... |
04/25/2016 |
15:01 - Wouldn't recommend very unfriendly and aggresive he was decided to ofend me because my -negative wouldnt trust. probably 2nd Account from hin and want to scam. --
Edit: Spam and rages ... |
04/23/2016 |
21:26 - Yorikkk quoted Riot Skins (Pax, Riot K9, every Code)
Fist Bump ward skin!
No riot skins code in existence right now... only codes given in recent events, like Arcade Riven and Sweetheart Sona right... |
12:05 - TheDoc. quoted Can vouch, would appreciate a Adventure Wing or some Packs if u search a voucher ! :)
Not looking for vouches at the moment thank you very much :) |
04/01/2016 |
10:01 - 123isbest quoted Can vouch for you.
well, add me on skype then |
01:52 - Could Give Silver 3 High mmr or Silver 2 High MMR
Need G5 or higher sorry. |
03/31/2016 |
21:31 - I can vouch pm me!
6/0/2 and locked, u cant vouch |
21:17 - #move
oh yea , sorry wrong section :) |
03/28/2016 |
11:55 - GermanusVenatus quoted #
Freebiesbeiträge dürfen nicht gepusht werden. |
03/24/2016 |
19:48 - Momoshiro Takeshi quoted Dude lol we still write on skype u failed the trade because u spammed the change email button, now i wait for my brother to switch the email..
hello ur br back? |