Member |
Last Activity: 01/14/2023 10:28
11/08/2016 |
14:05 - Deleted Posts |
11/05/2016 |
21:12 - MisterMelody quoted RickJulide in post Melody's Design GFX & VFX What is your Skype?:)
Hello! It is: live: oitaflorincatalin |
08/18/2016 |
05:11 - Dw1ght quoted RickJulide in post Pokemon Go Unban Service - Over 2 Years of Unbanning Experience! Can you unban my lvl 26 acc as well got a gps spoof ban(perm)..
We can surely do our best. Please feel free to PM us here or add us on Skype at ID - Unbanster and we can discuss your ... |
07/09/2016 |
11:45 - CheddarsCo quoted RickJulide in post [WTS] 43,000 CPS I always prefer a middleman, even tough it would cost me more money :)
Okay sure, then lets chose one of the moderators to be our middle man.
I suggest Cookie
http://www.elitep... |
08:54 - CheddarsCo quoted RickJulide in post [WTS] 43,000 CPS While not going first, you consider a middleman? Wich we know both very well?
Is there really a need for a middleman when i stated that we can do small transactions, as small as you l... |
07/06/2016 |
06:08 - ConquerOnlineBM quoted RickJulide in post | Gold | Billions for Sale| All Servers | Just added on skype, interested in buying some cps!
Another good purchase! A bulk! Like any other trade a "perfect one" if you are new on elitepvp and need cps I recommend Jackson!
... |
04/03/2016 |
06:53 - ConquerOnlineBM quoted RickJulide in post [GIVEAWAY] Want to win a free VIP 6? +1 for Jack again, I happily claimed the 1st prize! Thankyou very much!
Congrats Rick! Good to see the winner claim it! :)
I'll contact you to bind the VIP! |
03/27/2016 |
14:40 - ConquerOnlineBM quoted RickJulide in post | Gold | Billions for Sale| All Servers | +1 for Jack, I am always purchasing cps at him for transfering my items!
Thanks Rick for all your CP purchases, +1 to you for always being safe and fast :) |
03:25 - ConquerOnlineBM quoted RickJulide in post +12 Items| Epic Weapons| +12 Full Sets | Rare Garments | Rare Mounts +1 for Jack! Purchased a +12 necklace! I highly recommend new members from elitepvpers to buy all your goods at JacksonLo!
+1 for Rick! Thank you for all your vouches and purchases, v... |
03/26/2016 |
12:31 - ConquerOnlineBM quoted RickJulide in post Looking for a +12 Item? Again! Another good purchase at Jackson Lo,this time my necky +12. +1 For Jack as usual!
Thank you, Rick. Always a loyal and trustworthy buyer, highly recommended to anyone! +1 :) |
03/17/2016 |
01:03 - ConquerOnlineBM quoted RickJulide in post +12 Items| Epic Weapons| +12 Full Sets | Rare Garments | Rare Mounts +1 for Jack, he is helping me to get full 12. great seller trustworthy and a lot of thanks for me helping me!
Thank for your +1, Rick! You're always welcome!
+1 to you :D |