Carica#Senior Member |
Last Activity: Yesterday 19:49
01/29/2024 |
15:39 - siriusales2 quoted Carica# in post Julius IGN : Carica
Name : Julius |
01/05/2024 |
23:48 - Arthur* quoted Carica# in post Arthur Online | Cap 80 | CH Only | Open Market | 1x Rate | 1000$ FW | G.O 05.01 IGN : Carica
very good game
IGN: Lee
thank you <3
IGN : ILove_You_HR |
08/15/2023 |
21:35 - |
08/10/2023 |
15:12 - Deleted Posts |
06/27/2023 |
16:15 - Deleted Posts |
16:15 - Deleted Posts |
01/04/2023 |
06:44 - WHISKY* quoted Carica# in post Old-Road | CAP 110 | OpenMarket l Medium Rate | Old School | GO 29.12.2023 IGN : Carica
waiting for you there :pimp:
I'm in
waiting for you there :p
I'm in
waiting for you there :handsdown:
IGN : Sola
waiting for you there :)
wait... |
01/02/2023 |
21:33 - there no FGW?
and it's bad idea too disable Rocky Mountain
80 cap Roc Mountain and FGW in an old system game does not make much sense, it will be added when the level upgrade com... |
12/25/2022 |
00:08 - Chupper quoted Carica# in post Zoser | 100 Cap | Ch Only | Job Based | Open Market | Battle Royal | GO13.01 Great system
1question what about dungeon ~ fgw pc limited?
1 hwid
Great work that deserves appreciation
im in
Welcome |
08/19/2022 |
11:54 - R3D* quoted Carica# in post Old Silkroad - Alexandria | CAP 110 | EU/CH | OPEN MARKET | GO 17.05 | $23000 Prizes amazing but there something must change
Old Silkroad
cap 80 FGW = "Tougi" not "The Burning Abyss"
flame mountain = 9D Cap and this map its very Boring
and about job profit
... |
08/02/2022 |
18:41 - Comanche* quoted Carica# in post SpiceRoad | Cap 110 | EU&CH | New Events, Features | Black Market | G.O: 12.08.22 1char fgw? !! why there quest reward or any drop a serenes? and if there quest u can change it 1 per HWID ! PC WHY i can't join fgw my pt alone :D its fgw not Dungeon
Kindly leave... |
17:08 - Comanche* quoted Carica# in post SpiceRoad | Cap 110 | EU&CH | New Events, Features | Black Market | G.O: 12.08.22 w8ing..
! fgw have limit pc?
Yes there is a PC limit at fgw ,you can join only with 1 char per HWID. |
07/03/2022 |
12:47 - Spade* quoted Carica# in post [Hype Season II]| 100 CAP | CH/EU | Hall Of Worship FGW | Job Based | G.O 22.07.2022 nice
but Dungeon+FGW have limit per pc?
Thank you, i hope to see you there
-Yes 1 Account per PC. |
06/24/2022 |
16:38 - shark2010ss quoted Carica# in post RESRO | CAP 110 | EU&CH | Long-Term | Free Silk & 500$ CASH | Less Edits | GO 28-10 beta photo Grand ~ beta same time !! 24-6-2022 ! or this my wrong and grand today
grand 1/7/2022 |
06/10/2022 |
17:04 - *Demon* quoted Carica# in post [Zenda] - CAP 90 - CH Only - Progressive Community - Black Market- GO 12-06 IGN: Carica
IGN: xBug
IGN : kind
best Server <3
Welcome to our World , hope you enjoying with us . |
04/26/2022 |
03:17 - miquel011 quoted Carica# in post SROTIMES | CAP 110 | EU & CH | New Features | Old School | G.O 05/07 u try join ctf or arena? :D
i guess you never played a server that just got released, last server closed in 3 months. This is just even worse.
gl im out. |
04/16/2022 |
16:52 - takasi54 quoted Carica# in post ArcHera IV | 100 Cap Only Ch | Heroes Of The Storm 12 mint with out thiefs? so if i want make limite 1.5B
i want make 28 run 28x55=1.5b 400M so 28x12 mint =336mint so i want about 5 Hour 30mint to get limtie !! this if there n... |
01:05 - -Promaker quoted Carica# in post ArcHera IV | 100 Cap Only Ch | Heroes Of The Storm awesome features
but i think hotan > Karakram > Yeti Oasis > and walk more in Togui this take long time and only profit 55M? !
The caravan route takes 12 minutes. it's not as long... |
03/25/2022 |
18:24 - Cengizh4N! quoted Carica# in post Phoenix Online 110 Cap | No Immortal | New Alchemy Revolution | 01.04.2022 how get sox? drop or what xd
Brave project Cengo, good luck!
thank you so much my dear friend. |
11:06 - Cengizh4N! quoted Carica# in post Phoenix Online 110 Cap | No Immortal | New Alchemy Revolution | 01.04.2022 how get sox? drop or what xd
Power box drop. Monsters & Dungeons and event winners. |