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mrobles mrobles is offline

Profesional Voucher

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. jake438899
    06/03/2015 16:52 - permalink
    Yo can i try the lol account checker?
  2. polo2005
    04/12/2015 11:09 - permalink
    sure, add me on skype and i will send over chat log + pm and so on if you are interested.
  3. polo2005
    04/12/2015 02:06 - permalink
    Hello, I saw your negative tbm rating with "RahManJunior", i dont practically care which one of you who is lying, but just a heads up:

    On the 1 march contacted me and asked if he could get his negative tbm rating removed that i gave him if he repayed the 20 euro he scammed me off previously, while we came to an agreement and i agreed for him to apply to get it removed, he didn't uphold his part of the deal and didn't repay the agreed sum.

    Just a heads up, if he contacts you and offer you a repay for you to remove his negative tbm rating, be careful and dont get scammed twice as i did as epvp apparently wont offer and support in matter occurring removed tbm ratings.

    Best regards.
  4. Zabinho
    06/21/2014 17:31 - permalink
  5. mrobles
    06/04/2014 10:17 - permalink
    This is the cause of negative TBM
  6. Miratro
    05/29/2014 22:44 - permalink
    dude? can u tell me why ur hatscripts skype button shows online, but in my thread it shows offline WHILE IM ONlINE!? thats pathetic
  7. Ted​
    05/22/2014 23:54 - permalink
    danke für den Kauf, bitte noch Bewerten; danke
  8. countkuraikun
    05/21/2014 15:38 - permalink
    Awesome seller ^^ trusted.
  9. Dаnny
    04/12/2014 15:31 - permalink

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  • Last Activity: 09/28/2019 17:05
  • Join Date: 01/13/2014


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19:40 - Bootygoon quoted mrobles in post Bronze 5 uew unverified
I accpetp MM I trade for unverified higth elo acc or rare skins PSC or PAYPAL have b5 mmr but is unranked add m for more info How many champs and runepages does the account h...
21:10 - JEFFER7 quoted mrobles in post Plat I EUW Diamond border
if is unveerified add me you don't seem trusted
20:04 - Lauchstauch quoted mrobles in post Searching for Challenger booster that can verify that he is challenger
master? I was ready to add him with my main account thats currently top 200 in EUW, but first i asked what he consider as "proof"..
19:59 - Lauchstauch quoted mrobles in post Searching for Challenger booster that can verify that he is challenger
master? Well, can u carry in high dia? What position you play? :P
17:23 - Rajevosa quoted mrobles in post Smurf with DIAMOND rewards S5! [Euw, Cheap, Safe]
I can offer u 20€ Thanks for the offer but its too low! #need more offers
16:38 - borislav92 quoted mrobles in post EUW/NA acc shop (king rammus)
mail status? u accept MM? All verified to my email for more than a 6 months, i'm ok with middleman.
15:36 - borislav92 quoted mrobles in post EUW/NA acc shop (king rammus)
EUW prices pls Added prices if you buy in a bulk it is possible to lower price for a bit.
18:33 - Chris1112 quoted mrobles in post [Free Beta] Lol Account Checker
i´ve absolutly no idea what ur meaning... how to compile?! and i don´t know whee in settings.cs the client must be Is C#, you need compile and set the current client in the setting...
18:33 - Deleted Posts
01:21 - 08:15 quoted mrobles in post EUW DIA 5 24 Skins 12 Champs Lv5
price? (i dont give offer) #pn'd
17:36 - Teddy3Z quoted mrobles in post Unranked personal account - Almost all champs - 70+ Skins - [$25 - PP]
filter: riot Sorry for the late reply, I haven't found it. --Still looking to sell! 20 Euro it can go for!
16:20 - Teddy3Z quoted mrobles in post Unranked personal account - Almost all champs - 70+ Skins - [$25 - PP]
if have wellcome mail i buy it The account is old, The email has over 2.5k messages in the inbox, I don't expect it to have the welcome email in there lol. It's a account back o...
15:25 - kosuo2 quoted mrobles in post [EUW] 91 champions, 34 skins - 30 eur
20€ PP if is unverified Sorry, sold. :rolleyes:
21:02 - yungkid quoted mrobles in post Looking for a gold 5+ acc to carry a friend
u like dinamicQ? yes ill play dynamic queue with it

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