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micribo micribo is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Alchael
    01/21/2015 06:25 - permalink
    Good day to you kind sir!
    I apologize for being so forward but if by any chance you happen to have an L# invite, is it too much to ask for one? I will literally beg you for it because I need it so badly. :'( I could not play LOL anymore without L#. (LB used to be my main, I had to get L# when LB died) *sobs*
    I was toying around with the no-auth version a couple weeks ago but then L# updated to 5.1 along with LOL and there's no way I could get it to work again unless I have an invite.
  2. bonsaisushi
    09/24/2014 11:21 - permalink
    Hello and please to meet you

    I can't get LeagueSharp working:

    I downloaded all the needs wich are Net. 4.5, Visual C++ (that thing), and LeagueSharp but when I try to run it gets "can't find Leaguesharp.core.dll" or it opens with a blank screen with nothing inside, and if I do something it would just crash.


    Can you send me a screenshot of how the folders of LeagueSharp should be when it works?
    Or even a copy or your folders by email or something, thank you
  3. asafv1
    08/28/2014 17:16 - permalink
    UltimateCarry with zed dont work.. and its seems the evade dont douge everything..
    do u know when and if the fix will be up soon?
  4. hobocow
    08/27/2014 18:08 - permalink
    hi micribo i am new to leaguesharp. i wanted to know if there is an update today for the patch 4.15 and if there is one, am i going to update it with SVNCompiler? ty
  5. asafv1
    08/21/2014 18:12 - permalink
    ok man tnx...
  6. micribo
    08/21/2014 17:50 - permalink
    No there are some Updates but none is related to the new lol Update.
    I Will update LeagueSharp as soon as i can!
  7. asafv1
    08/21/2014 16:00 - permalink
    hey bro ther is an update for the LeagueSharp isent??

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  • Last Activity: 04/10/2016 13:13
  • Join Date: 10/23/2013


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