Last Activity: 01/08/2021 03:24
07/01/2016 |
17:20 - xTupperware quoted Hey ho,
verkaufe oder auch tausche meine Five seven, mit ziemlich viel Blue .
http://i.epvpimg.com/39Ire.pn... |
17:20 - xTupperware quoted 15 keys
https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=137516371&token=57p5DQPp |
06/23/2016 |
14:20 - Deleted Posts |
14:20 - w1nderchild quoted In dem man vielleicht ein Twitch Giveway gewonnen hat hahahaha
Erzähl mir mal wie du Gamblen kannst bzw spielen kannst wenn dein Steam Acc erst am 16 Juni 2016 erstellt wurde ?
h... |
14:20 - Deleted Posts |
06/18/2016 |
02:55 - MalumPayments quoted why are you selling a free stuff? lol.. its already free and its a russian program
Not a Russian Program here but..Ok. |
06/04/2016 |
21:09 - not intrested in real money or lol acc sorry.
Np, thanks for bump. |
06/03/2016 |
20:39 - Deleted Posts |
15:06 - i have m9 tt #2 float world but only tradeing 250 keys:)
you know my skype if not intrested ignore this
Only looking to swap it for league/rs account or skrill. |
05/25/2016 |
16:51 - DaDdYcool22 quoted watchout his steamrep report before you think about to go first :)
dude what are you talking man look at your -tbm noob and you talk about me my dude he say i scam him is ban why i... |
05/16/2016 |
17:43 - Your Favorite Martian quoted is price can be cheaper?
I'm sorry, it's already cheap :) |
03/09/2016 |
18:57 - https://i.imgur.com/SFoJ3Me.png
What is this Shop About?
In this Shop you can Unranke... |