Conversation Between jM3 and hilete
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hi. i have a question.
are you familiar with dll injection? i try to inject this PhysicsReq.dll and make it load my DLL and call it's function. but i have problems.
there are places all over PhysicsReq.dll filled with <CC>, where I put my code, and connect them with JMPs. somewhere I place 2 strings "d.dll" and "MyFunc".
the code start's when Proxy:GetSpeed is called. I JMP to my code part.
I get delta-offset by
CALL <offset>
pop ebp
sub ebp,offset
then I push [ebp+d.dll_offset] and call ds:7C801D77h (which is LoadLibraryA). at this point I get an error. if I don't push and call and simply JMP back to original function - the game runs OK.
is the concept itself correct and I have mistake in my code, or is the concept wrong itself?