cyberghoser1EO Developer |
04/24/2018 |
06:02 - PraDevil[ELITE] mentioned cyberghoser1 in post cant get AccServer to work ....bat.txt) edit it and add into it
@soul.exe blacknull
6.Ready account for game user: dark pass: explorer
(use localhost, do not change any IP or server name yet)
credit to cyberghoser1 for the guide
if you're 100% sure that you did not change the mannequin server and client configuration file and follow those guide but still not success. let me know which p... |
04/20/2017 |
05:23 - Deleted Posts |
05:20 - raizenkaizer mentioned cyberghoser1 in post [Release] Darkblade EO Database + Client cyberghoser1 yoo so many patch files on diffrent folders.. idk which one to do 1st i tried all of em but they all diffrent when u enter in game.. sometimes some items are missing..
cy... |
01/03/2024 |
19:53 - Banabanaba9 quoted cyberghoser1 in post [RELEASE] Latest server files fully working and english This server files/client contains the following features:
God Skills for all 3 classes
Dance Skills
Max Level 255
Equipment max level 255
Flying Mounts
New Mounts
Lot of Pets
Cro... |
03/12/2017 |
17:50 - paksu95 quoted cyberghoser1 in post [Release] Darkblade EO Database + Client The viruses are within the client, not the db/server.
will virus harm my pc?:confused: |
12/22/2016 |
05:40 - watanbi quoted cyberghoser1 in post Cyberghost ..i have some issue i hope you could help me Urgent Again... the link is fine, Screenshot by Lightshot
i don see that File In MegaFile..why did i do something wrong or i must register that website in mega.? |
12/14/2016 |
12:17 - watanbi quoted cyberghoser1 in post [Release] Darkblade EO Database + Client What are you talking about? The link is fine.
i talking about link file Darkblade EO Database + Client is no available anymore..
why Tears of Sorrow Server+Client map on cronus i can'not g... |
12/13/2016 |
15:16 - watanbi quoted cyberghoser1 in post [Release] Tears of Sorrow + Client (Godship/Legionnaire/Vampire/Celebrity Hall) Enjoy, although its not done by me, I just fixed, and reworked some things out as I was using a different client, some things were not working at all or missing, I hope the result will be ... |
09/18/2016 |
13:41 - demonsdb quoted cyberghoser1 in post [RELEASE]Virtua Games database updated and fully working Its false positive, discussed so many times, over and over...
the game is lag to me how can i install the new market he is saying about ? |
07/26/2016 |
13:49 - PraDevil[ELITE] quoted cyberghoser1 in post [RELEASE]Virtua Games database updated and fully working Install latest directx I guess.'re back? :p
however its been a while since i leave eo..i am impress that someone manage to get it working, but can someone be so nice and add so... |