Trade Restricted
sad league addict |
Last Activity: 12/13/2023 19:44
10/19/2023 |
18:22 - Deleted Posts |
18:18 - [Kalzion] quoted Darkevel1 in post Looking for a recent season hardstuck acc as topic gives, im looking for a recent seasons hardstuck Iron/Bronze/silver and ( Currently Unranked ) handlvl acc with recovs, idc about skins/champs/be/rp.
let me know what you got... |
11/09/2022 |
20:43 - as topic gives im looking for a midlane d2-1 acc can be botted with 20 champs etc winrate should be normal or above 55%
Budget is 60-70 depends on how i like him
Discord: Jigzy#31... |
10/09/2022 |
22:45 - Bamb1tch quoted Darkevel1 in post WTS EUW- PAX JAX/SIVIR/NEO SIVIR Topic
70 skins +
Plat 4
70 champs +
18 skins in loot
Honor 0
lvl 130+
Account comes with Full Access.
honor lvl dropped because of chat r... |
03/30/2022 |
23:56 - GazdaSajta quoted Darkevel1 in post WTS EUW- PAX JAX/SIVIR/NEO SIVIR Topic
70 skins +
Gold 3
70 champs +
16 skins in loot
Around 10k BE
Honor 0
lvl 130+
Account comes with Full Access.
honor lvl dropped ... |
11/09/2021 |
15:10 - BirkiGOD quoted Darkevel1 in post EUW D1- Master Promos Cheap as possible. Yo as topic gives im looking for a boost d1 9 lp to master promos, would do it myself but i lost my last 2 master promos + dropped to alot of lp and my time is short this and next week ... |
14:45 - Viktor Skeron quoted Darkevel1 in post EUW D1- Master Promos Cheap as possible. Yo as topic gives im looking for a boost d1 9 lp to master promos, would do it myself but i lost my last 2 master promos + dropped to alot of lp and my time is short this and next week ... |
09/26/2021 |
20:15 - As my Topic gives i want to sell some Accounts i got over time from Trades/Boosting/Etc.
I got Full Access to every Account.
I got Full Recovs of 90% of those Account.
I offer Life... |
11/02/2020 |
20:20 - Maxx291 quoted Darkevel1 in post LF Cheap Netwin in d2 hello, as topic give i look for a cheap netwin in d2 must be a 100% win
mmr is normal
would pay with paypal.
for more infos add me.
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