medo4499Senior Member |
Last Activity: 09/06/2021 15:26
12/11/2019 |
20:59 - Diavolakos quoted medo4499 in post Para's VanillaTool [Rework] What is the meaning of "secure animation"?
It means that if there is another player within 99m away from you, the animation hack doesn't work. This is done because there are dps meters... |
12/08/2019 |
14:23 - Paraly quoted medo4499 in post Para's VanillaTool [Rework] hello paraly how to lower cpu usage while using the script of luna ... and what i need to upgrade beside rams to increase the amount of luna clients please can u help me
Most import... |
08/03/2017 |
01:55 - Paraly quoted medo4499 in post Para's VanillaTool [Rework] let us know if its working :handsdown:
No sadly it's not working, so everyone be careful with the animation modes |
00:31 - Paraly quoted medo4499 in post Para's VanillaTool [Rework] Hello Paraly, is your have provide any ways to be hidden from AiDPSMeter ? because the annoying program got updated few days ago
Maybe, I did a tool for the day aiDPSmeter comes back,... |
05/12/2017 |
00:14 - kintarooe quoted medo4499 in post [New Bot] RuBot done alrdy sent u in private msg :)
Got it. |
05/11/2017 |
01:50 - kintarooe quoted medo4499 in post [New Bot] RuBot ok i will tell him to transfer the 10 euros as soon as he wake up without ( the paypal payment gateway ) to avoid him xD and will give u the transaction code that will be enough ? and... |
01:47 - kintarooe quoted medo4499 in post [New Bot] RuBot can't i send u the money through paypal of him and give transaction code ? because atm in my country we can't use paypal so i have to pay with help from my friend
Sure we can do th... |
05/10/2017 |
22:49 - kintarooe quoted medo4499 in post [New Bot] RuBot hi i have a question about payment ... when i pay with paypal i should receive msg from u with the key ... is that msg contain any stuff that can lead whoever will read it to the bot s... |
01/20/2017 |
16:42 - Paraly quoted medo4499 in post Para's VanillaTool [Rework] any ban or risk for Fissure/Rift of Oblivion at EU Aion ?
All I can tell you is that I haven't heard from any bans for at least 3 months |
11/08/2016 |
00:10 - Kiwix86 quoted medo4499 in post AionScript any idea how to heal a single target using a chanter ? is there a script for it or something @_@ lost here
Nussxxx answered here on page 15
Also i've found why my char wasn't looking... |
03/13/2016 |
21:28 - Cng quoted medo4499 in post Elyos Deyla sorc ur skype or whatsapp then please
editted the post |
13:45 - Cng quoted medo4499 in post Elyos Deyla sorc u want ranger max gear ?
hmm, idk, tell me more about it |