i forgot what it is called, can somone tell me? i think the name has the word "temple" in it. no it is not templar. its related to the new UCE for MS version .30
beta version 09/05/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 3 Replies jo. musste mal meinen pc neu machen weil alles nur noch gelumpe druff war udn seh grad das die version so alt ist das da noch steht "Runes of Magic CLOSED BETA" kann die noch für irg was gebrauchen die install? wenn jemand interesse an dieser alten version hat einfach melden ^^
swordsMacroBot beta.version.1.4! 08/28/2006 - CO2 Bots & Macros - 30 Replies DOWNLOAD IS DOWN A FEW POSTS!
Alrihgt i have gotten peoples worries settled in my previous post, i have now added much more to my program :)
There is a read me file in the program but ehre is a quick sum up,
Run program, check the checkbox you want the action to do, go into conquer hit F5 to start macro, Some checkboxes will allow you to hit F7 to stop the amcro and re-select your checkboxes, if not, hit Esc and it will terminate the program
Lowyr i know you have requested...