2000 g1 08/24/2010 - WarRock Trading - 8 Replies habe noch 2000 g1 die ich los werden will
nehme ukash und psc aber ukash wäre mir am liebsten
[vk]2000 g1 08/18/2010 - WarRock Trading - 1 Replies Ich verkaufe 3mal 2000g1 für je 10euro pcs (verhandel nur über skype)
da ich keine lust mehr auf warrock habe und warscheinlich nicht mehr so oft in epvp on komme
gebe ich euch meine skype adresse: paddy1342
can come all here just mint 06/15/2010 - EO PServer Hosting - 1 Replies i need change this
http://files02.arb-up.com/i/00064/wan3womnw3mg.jp g
http://files02.arb-up.com/i/00064/9xx0vc1y0xbs.jp g
me GM but this chr for testing
i need Over in riborn 30 40 to 200* next 200* Over in riborn 15 20 next to max str 10 8
and THX all i need fix it so much all playr in my servar nedd me fix it fast
and sorry for bad engilsh
WTT LEVEL 90 ARCHER FOR SIDEKICK LX MINT CONDITION 02/10/2009 - Silkroad Online Trading - 6 Replies Well as the title says i want to trade a level 90 FF(9 gap for 100 cap) on srever troy. He still gots 9 silk so BOT BOT BOT! :D I will provide a free bot if you dont have one. I don't have pictures to put up but heres a rev6 link :D
Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
its not level 89 its 90 rev6 is weird. Or I will accpect $130 hit me up! on aim : [email protected] either mail or AIM or msn: [email protected] dont reply to this hit me up on either of my instant messege thingys....