NFS World - Trying to drift with Skyline R34 06/23/2012 - Need for Speed World - 41 Replies I have used a trainer v1.2.8 from 987654321
NFS World - Trying to drift with Skyline R34 - YouTube
Trying to drift with Corolla AE86 I
Trying to drift with Corolla AE86 II
Drift city 10/09/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies Hat wer fuer drift city hacks/cheats
waere sehr dankbar
Drift City IP Block.. 11/28/2009 - Main - 0 Replies War bei Drift City eine Zeit lang offline - wieder da und siehe, IP Block für Europa.
Wie funktioniert das nun mit nem Proxy usw. eine Asiatische IP zu kriegen? (oder Ami)
Danke im vorraus.. lv 53 dauert dort ziemlich :D
Edit: Ihr braucht FoxyProxy und Hotspot Shield..
nur der ijji Reactor macht seine shit problems xD
Drift City 07/19/2008 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies Drift City hack plzzz
i very want it
Drift City 02/14/2008 - General Gaming Discussion - 2 Replies Well if you are one with ijji....well they just launched an awesome new game called Drift City which is a MMORPG Racing game. (Yes RPG). Well I don't think the gms have had any trouble yet so... I could use a loader :D but feel free to hack it .
Link=> Drift City Main
P.S. All the mmosite setups are corrupt don't bother...
Good luck and enjoy cheating =D.