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Help me my RMT Comrades
Discussion on Help me my RMT Comrades within the Lost Ark forum part of the Popular Games category.
07/23/2022, 00:22
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Help me my RMT Comrades
Hello people!
I would like to have friendly and honest constructical advice.
Hear my story!
I am eastern europe and I need some cash from side (atleast 200$).
I am full time employed 8h, but I can play from work depend on days but its probably 2-3h maybe, at home I have wife and a kid (thanks *** for them), so at hone I could potentially play 2h-3h, which is kinda 4-6h per day. Now I gotta say I am really skilled in games and at work in general, I amm all in for that efficency at whatever I do, so I am not avg Bob (in games, irl maybe kappa).
So,is it doable comrades, is it worth it? Can I make 250$ with it? Does the effort I need to put is equal to these 250$?
Thanks in advance my Comrades!
07/28/2022, 13:12
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 41
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Originally Posted by imbafromnorthz
Hello people!
I would like to have friendly and honest constructical advice.
Hear my story!
I am eastern europe and I need some cash from side (atleast 200$).
I am full time employed 8h, but I can play from work depend on days but its probably 2-3h maybe, at home I have wife and a kid (thanks God for them), so at hone I could potentially play 2h-3h, which is kinda 4-6h per day. Now I gotta say I am really skilled in games and at work in general, I amm all in for that efficency at whatever I do, so I am not avg Bob (in games, irl maybe kappa).
So,is it doable comrades, is it worth it? Can I make 250$ with it? Does the effort I need to put is equal to these 250$?
Thanks in advance my Comrades!
Couple of things
-$250 within what time period, one month? a week? That will depend on other things which i'll mention. But bear in mind that making 200k weekly (or 100k if somehow manage to sell it for $2, which is hard) is no simple task even for day 1 veterans with 6 alts.
-Do you already possess a fully decked roster with at least 5 1370+ alts? Cause anything below that won't make enough gold anymore.
-How will you find buyers? Cause unless you sell to users directly, you'll rely on third party websites/sellers and that takes a hefty cut of your revenue.
All in all $200 monthly seems tough but doable, as long as you have a very well set up roster. And that takes a massive amount of time and effort to reach, if you haven't yet. If you don't already, its not even worth trying.
In the end of the day RMT is not as easy *unless* you are already a reputable seller or pioneering something (like selling on a brand new game), but as a farmer you are pretty much just selling your time.
07/28/2022, 18:10
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by SkilloSkillo
Couple of things
-$250 within what time period, one month? a week? That will depend on other things which i'll mention. But bear in mind that making 200k weekly (or 100k if somehow manage to sell it for $2, which is hard) is no simple task even for day 1 veterans with 6 alts.
-Do you already possess a fully decked roster with at least 5 1370+ alts? Cause anything below that won't make enough gold anymore.
-How will you find buyers? Cause unless you sell to users directly, you'll rely on third party websites/sellers and that takes a hefty cut of your revenue.
All in all $200 monthly seems tough but doable, as long as you have a very well set up roster. And that takes a massive amount of time and effort to reach, if you haven't yet. If you don't already, its not even worth trying.
In the end of the day RMT is not as easy *unless* you are already a reputable seller or pioneering something (like selling on a brand new game), but as a farmer you are pretty much just selling your time.
I am not speaking of weekly, I speak of monthly. And I have sorceress lvl 17 I am new to the game...but I wanted 200$ monthly not weekly, do you speak of a month or a week?
07/28/2022, 18:34
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by imbafromnorthz
I am not speaking of weekly, I speak of monthly. And I have sorceress lvl 17�� I am new to the game...but I wanted 200$ monthly not weekly, do you speak of a month or a week?
Yeah then it means that you do not have an account at all yet. One account with a main character at 1460 and five alts at 1370 can make around 50k weekly IF you fully play these characters. Which means All orehas, argos, chaos dungeons, guardians, and so on. Its a time sink, i tell you that.
But the issue isn't really that, but rather how much time it takes to actually get to this point. We who started day 1 had a much harder time granted, your honing is easier. But it will still take at least 2-3 months to reach this point starting now.
You could try to get one account that is already set up or halfway there as an "investment", but i can't really speak much about that, don't really like account trading.
If you allow me to give some unrelated advice, i'd tell you to play other games instead. Path of exile is profitable during leagues, and the only thing you need is knowledge. Learn how to make a cheap build (for league start) and farm a shitton of exalts.
07/29/2022, 12:53
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 16
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Originally Posted by SkilloSkillo
Yeah then it means that you do not have an account at all yet. One account with a main character at 1460 and five alts at 1370 can make around 50k weekly IF you fully play these characters. Which means All orehas, argos, chaos dungeons, guardians, and so on. Its a time sink, i tell you that.
But the issue isn't really that, but rather how much time it takes to actually get to this point. We who started day 1 had a much harder time granted, your honing is easier. But it will still take at least 2-3 months to reach this point starting now.
You could try to get one account that is already set up or halfway there as an "investment", but i can't really speak much about that, don't really like account trading.
If you allow me to give some unrelated advice, i'd tell you to play other games instead. Path of exile is profitable during leagues, and the only thing you need is knowledge. Learn how to make a cheap build (for league start) and farm a shitton of exalts.
I was making 300-400$ in first month or PoE with, believe or not, 2-3h of playtime. I flip staff first two weeks, then after I have HH i do leech parties.
So look how much time I need to spend a day for these alts to get these gold a week you are talking about?
07/29/2022, 14:04
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 41
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Originally Posted by imbafromnorthz
I was making 300-400$ in first month or PoE with, believe or not, 2-3h of playtime. I flip staff first two weeks, then after I have HH i do leech parties.
So look how much time I need to spend a day for these alts to get these gold a week you are talking about?
Assuming that they are already properly geared, levelled and set up, it would go as follows:
5 days accumulating rest bonus from chaos dungeon and guardians, no time spent.
daily una tasks for every alt, 5 mins max * 6 = 30 mins daily
spending rest bonus on two days
2 guardians * 2 days * 6 characters * 7 mins each = 7*2*2*6 = 168 weekly minutes
2 chaos * 2 days * 6 characters * 5 mins each = 5*2*2*6 = 120 weekly minutes
6 orehas = 10 mins each * 2 stages * 6 characters = 10*2*6 = 120 weekly minutes if people aren't bad
6 argos (considering 1 p3 and 5 p1) = 20 + 10 * 5 = 70 weekly minutes
Valtan + vykas (consering good team / static ) 30 mins + 60 mins = 90 weekly minutes
Weekly lifeskills = 30 mins every 2 days * 3 = 90 weekly minutes
Thats your default routine using rest bonus with 6 characters, without investing them any further than 1460 main and 5 1370.
07/29/2022, 18:02
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 16
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Originally Posted by SkilloSkillo
Assuming that they are already properly geared, levelled and set up, it would go as follows:
5 days accumulating rest bonus from chaos dungeon and guardians, no time spent.
daily una tasks for every alt, 5 mins max * 6 = 30 mins daily
spending rest bonus on two days
2 guardians * 2 days * 6 characters * 7 mins each = 7*2*2*6 = 168 weekly minutes
2 chaos * 2 days * 6 characters * 5 mins each = 5*2*2*6 = 120 weekly minutes
6 orehas = 10 mins each * 2 stages * 6 characters = 10*2*6 = 120 weekly minutes if people aren't bad
6 argos (considering 1 p3 and 5 p1) = 20 + 10 * 5 = 70 weekly minutes
Valtan + vykas (consering good team / static ) 30 mins + 60 mins = 90 weekly minutes
Weekly lifeskills = 30 mins every 2 days * 3 = 90 weekly minutes
Thats your default routine using rest bonus with 6 characters, without investing them any further than 1460 main and 5 1370.
So wait its not so bad, we are talking about 658 minutes a week right? Or something like that? For all alts+main? Can I have your discord please?
07/29/2022, 19:07
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 41
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Originally Posted by imbafromnorthz
So wait its not so bad, we are talking about 658 minutes a week right? Or something like that? For all alts+main? Can I have your discord please?
Thats the bare minimum yes, with 100% efficiency. That does not include load tmes, travel times, forming parties, islands, events, random ****. But yeah it won't be more than say, double of this value.
07/29/2022, 19:35
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 16
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Originally Posted by SkilloSkillo
Thats the bare minimum yes, with 100% efficiency. That does not include load tmes, travel times, forming parties, islands, events, random ****. But yeah it won't be more than say, double of this value.
Hey man, for some reason I cannot send u a msg, can you be kind and send me msg with ur discord, please?
07/29/2022, 19:50
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 41
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Originally Posted by imbafromnorthz
Hey man, for some reason I cannot send u a msg, can you be kind and send me msg with ur discord, please?
its on that small discord icon below my profile
07/29/2022, 22:51
elite*gold: 20
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By playing around 20 minutes a day one low item level account can generate 2-3 k gold daily. Multiply this lets say by 10 accounts. There is a new trick to make gold atm. You guys needs to be more openminded otherwise you are rmt loosers whos pay for gold to people who make it without any effort. You pay even more for hand farmed easly obtanaible gold. Weeks ago i shared one making legal gold method with you, now we have another one in place.
08/08/2022, 15:44
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 41
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Originally Posted by segoya
By playing around 20 minutes a day one low item level account can generate 2-3 k gold daily. Multiply this lets say by 10 accounts. There is a new trick to make gold atm. You guys needs to be more openminded otherwise you are rmt loosers whos pay for gold to people who make it without any effort. You pay even more for hand farmed easly obtanaible gold. Weeks ago i shared one making legal gold method with you, now we have another one in place.
Originally Posted by segoya
I buy gold olny on AOEAH since march. Bought today next batch to upgread my last gems to lvl 9. I also bot chaos dungeons. I am 1515 atm. Over 3100h played. No ban.
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