Hi guys can someone help me i want to make auto craftng with QMacro but gameguard does notlet me run it maby someone has a crack for 966gameguard or something else?
Qmacro 6.6 10/27/2009 - General Coding - 1 Replies need serial,crack can any1 help me?
Can't Fin Qmacro v6.20! 08/26/2009 - Cabal Online - 7 Replies I searched the google.com thing and used the search buttom in the forum but i can't find:
Qmacro v6.20
plz help
About Qmacro Expiration 04/15/2008 - Cabal Online - 3 Replies recently my qmacro got the trial version expired, i was wondering if theres anyway to re-install it again without paying it thanks in advance.
cabal with Qmacro^^ 03/06/2008 - Cabal Online - 9 Replies //------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
//-------------------------------- --------------------------------
//----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
dim color(2)
dim ys,a,t1,t2,t3,i,key,x,y,mx,my
//----------------------------------------------- ------------------
UserVar ys=1100 设置技能冷却 26102;间
color(0)="00FFFF":color(1)="40BEC0 ":color(2)="808080"
Qmacro vs. SV 12/19/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 16 Replies Okay maybe this sounds kinda stupid but readed A1blasters sig there it says SV is just a Qmacro program ...
How does it manage too work offscreen, all my macro's must work on-screen depending on pixel or image search.
And how come SV can recognise a item and tell its item number.
Thank you for a small answer