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[Exploit Development] Dupe items between servers!

Discussion on [Exploit Development] Dupe items between servers! within the Lineage 2 forum part of the MMORPGs category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
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Hello all!

As the title says, I noticed a strange bug/exploit, but I dint figure out yet how to make it works!

Btw the conditions that I met to have item transfered from one server to another differente l2j server (different ip/name/rates/all) were:

Same ID and pwd for login
Same character name
Same race
Same class

what I did were something like play on a server with 5000x rates reached over 100.000.000 in a very short time, and then returned back to my low rate server 3x, and my adena were here in my inventory!

another time it happened with an A grade armor piece. and so on

If we can understand how that exploit works, we could transfer virtually all items

Post your ideas and your attempts so we can make it
hellsum is offline  
Old 03/26/2007, 17:51   #2
elite*gold: 0
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as far as i know, this is IMPOSSIBLE, because both servers use independant databases to store your items and character data, it is not possible for these databases to communicate with each other if you (the client) changes adress...
enticore is offline  
Old 03/26/2007, 18:16   #3
elite*gold: 0
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you are right, but let me explain better:

some transition in L2 works with chunk of data 100% stored on your own pc RAM memory, for example I can remember the C2-C3 age, where u could edit any quantity of items that you were storing or withdrawing from your private wh, while the wh withdraw windows was up. In that way I modified Adena, Ancient Adena, Crystals, mana potions, blank scroll, seal stones, and so on (all items with high item count).
All these were possible using an Hexadecimal edit program that searches on your RAM and rewrite data

I posted that above not to ask if it's possible, but asking to help me finding how that can be done, becouse it happened to me 3 times randomly (how is possible that my phantom summoner lvl 48 with 4x adena rate has 68.000.000 adena in his inventory? ^^), having a items duped from a 5000x server to a 4x server.

btw, the mechanics of that dupe I think can be the same of my "edit hex address on ram":
maybe L2 uses default address on ram, and making the game crash would mantein that address with your adena wrote on it, and when you log on another server with an identical character, your system assign the old data to your new character even if servers are different.

PS:I hope you can understand my not so good english
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Old 03/27/2007, 23:24   #4
elite*gold: 0
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This thing can never work.
All data is stored on the Serverside. NOTHING on YOUR computer!
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Old 03/28/2007, 16:38   #5
elite*gold: 0
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Originally posted by chris_00@Mar 27 2007, 23:24
This thing can never work.
All data is stored on the Serverside. NOTHING on YOUR computer!
If you were right, L2 would be executed even if your computer had 16mb of RAM memory

Im sorry, but I still think that item count numbers are locally stored, and can change server-side item count.
If you cant believe that some number can be locally edited, its just up to you,
as my example posted over here are all but lies, and I hate to lie

No matter, Ill continue my test all alone as I've allways done, and if someone want to test and find a solution is allways wellcome
hellsum is offline  
Old 03/29/2007, 00:45   #6
elite*gold: 0
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That's complete bullshit and the stupidest idea I've ever read...
PiTaGoRaS is offline  
Old 03/30/2007, 14:31   #7
elite*gold: 0
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Originally posted by helldrik+Mar 28 2007, 16:38--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (helldrik @ Mar 28 2007, 16:38)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--chris_00@Mar 27 2007, 23:24
This thing can never work.
All data is stored on the Serverside. NOTHING on YOUR computer!
If you were right, L2 would be executed even if your computer had 16mb of RAM memory

Im sorry, but I still think that item count numbers are locally stored, and can change server-side item count.
If you cant believe that some number can be locally edited, its just up to you,
as my example posted over here are all but lies, and I hate to lie

No matter, Ill continue my test all alone as I've allways done, and if someone want to test and find a solution is allways wellcome [/b][/quote]
No it wouldn't cos the textures and models and all that stuff are BIG.

However, I don't believe this. If it works for private servers I don't give a **** either.
And it doesn't ******* work on retail, 100% sure.
VeXz' is offline  
Old 04/02/2007, 02:17   #8
elite*gold: 0
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on retail did not work, does not work and will never work :P

Im just talking of l2j private servers!
Ill keep trying and if it happens again... Illl post it!

That's complete bullshit and the stupidest idea I've ever read...
BTW, thx for your superb and intelligent needs lots of people like you that register a new user just to fill their mouth with **** words and to have the nerdish pleasure to type "bullshit" on
hmm, maybe you like to type it, becouse if you would say it with your own surely would go bed without dinner... :P

as far as I know, are more welcome comments like those from chris_00 and enticore...
so..thats for me..
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Old 04/12/2007, 15:32   #9
elite*gold: 0
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I thank you for the idea, I will test it asap
marihuanorz is offline  
Old 04/12/2007, 20:17   #10
elite*gold: 0
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That is not going to work even if you pray to Shillen, Eva, or any other *** of L2. These data are stored in the server and the only thing u can change in your client is some texture **** and generally visual changes that only take effect in your PC(eg:100kkk adena that will disappear when u close a window. The only useful thing u can do is edit your html. That is (or was) VERY useful, just quit this stupid idea.
lostos is offline  

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