1. Download the Dev's tool from:
2. Make a back up of your original system.
3. Put the files in your L2 system folder.
4. Edit "Tester!" (right click > Properties):
Change where is:
"D:\Games\Lineage II Gracia\System\l2.exe" -INI=testl2.ini
write your l2.exe location there, but DO NOT delete -INI=testl2.ini.
5. Run the "Tester!" shortcut in the system folder.
6. Wait a few minutes to update the GameGuard. You will get Errors if you don't update it..!
7. When you are in game, press "TAB" and type:
PV - **** Viewer - Try all armors, weps, etc).
NV - NPC Viewer - You can make your character to every NPC in the game)
SV - Skill Viewer - Test all skills existing in the game
8. Enjoy
Corvine - Test files creator
palentir - The man who shared the system with test files for Part 2
P.S. I think it is gonna work for all Chronicles of L2