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Free Weapons in hLaPEx

Discussion on Free Weapons in hLaPEx within the Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros forum part of the Lineage 2 category.

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This is my first post on here! Just to let you know in advance, I did all the research myself, credited where I got certain things, and certainly did not steal this.

Alright, I have spent some days this week searching the forum and getting some packets for hLaPEx that look interesting, I would try them out and much to my dismay hardly any worked and the ones that did weren't that great. That is until I stumbled upon this one 1FD407000001000000EC00000001000000, that buys a Soul Separator for free (found it on . I had fun with that buying a bunch of them and reselling to NPC for lots of adena, if you want adena fast thats how you should do it in my oppinion. But if you are stuck on a server like me with no GM shop and you want a certain grade weapon they dont sell, you are in luck. The server I play on only has Armor and Weapons to Grade B, and they arent even the best Grade B. Anyway lets cut to the chase.

After a long time of figuring out which weapons are under what ListIDs I have gotten it down as closely as I can to being correct.

Here are some ListIDs you put in hlapex for free Weapons (already in hex)
D1070000 = S/H Swords
D2070000 = D/H Swords
D3070000 = Dual Swords <-cant get any Grade A duals to work
D4070000 = Daggers
D5070000 = Bows
D6070000 = ?? <-cant get any to work
D7070000 = Fists
D8070000 = Polearms
D9070000 = S/H Blunts
DA070000 = Staffs/Blunt Two Handed ***NEW***

Jewels ListIDs
F0030000 = Earrings
F1030000 = Rings
F2030000 = Necklaces

**UPDATE: I found Shield ListID
DB070000 = Shields

Note: Blue = Ignore, Red = What your looking at
The packet is ordered like this...Buy ListID Quantity ItemID Quantity
So you would put those here 1F ???????? 01000000 (ItemIDHERE) 01000000

Those on the ListIDs work for almost everyweapon excluding SA weapons. I also havent't tested Grade S weapons yet.
You can use the following tables to find the ItemID and convert it to hex
Place those here 1f (ListIDHERE) 01000000 ???????? 01000000

These are some packets I use often for good Weapons.
1F D1070000 01000000 C4090000 01000000 -Dark Legions Edge [A]
1F D4070000 01000000 EC000000 01000000 -Soul Separater [A]
1F D1070000 01000000 4f000000 01000000 -Damascus [B]
1F D2070000 01000000 51000000 01000000 -Dragon Slayer [A]
1F D5070000 01000000 21010000 01000000 -Soul Bow [A]
1F D1070000 01000000 97000000 01000000 -Sword Of Miracles [A]
1F DA070000 01000000 D6000000 01000000 -The Staff [S]
1F DA070000 01000000 D5000000 01000000 -Mother Branch [A]

Packets for Jewels:
1f F2030000 01000000 96030000 01000000 -Adamantite Necklace [B]
1f F0030000 01000000 58030000 01000000 -Adamantite Earring [B]
1f F1030000 01000000 77030000 01000000 -Adamantite Ring [B]
1f F2030000 01000000 A5030000 01000000 -Phoenix Necklace [A]
1f F0030000 01000000 67030000 01000000 -Phoenix Earring [A]
1f F1030000 01000000 86030000 01000000 -Phoenix Ring [A]

Packets for Shields:
1F DB070000 01000000 81020000 01000000 -Dark Crystal Shield [A]
1F DB070000 01000000 C2090000 01000000 -Shield of Nightmare [A]

I hope this has been helpful!
PS. If anyone figures out the ListIDs for free Accessories, etc. please post them
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Old 12/26/2006, 22:16   #2
elite*gold: 0
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Nice man, they actually work =D, thats the first time i've seen a single post where more then 2 a grade weaps work...this is exactly what i needed for the server i play on =D.
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Old 12/26/2006, 23:10   #3
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does it work on l2off, at a server like dragonnet or abyss?
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Old 12/27/2006, 01:55   #4
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nah, doesnt work on retail servers..
im still tryin to figure it out to get some money fast at a retail server..
made hlapex once drop 100kk adena but i couldnt pick it up..
guess it really works just on l2j
olcleany is offline  
Old 12/27/2006, 01:58   #5
elite*gold: 0
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Yea, I forgot to mention one of the most important things, I've only tested it on L2J so far.
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Old 12/27/2006, 03:24   #6
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does this trick work on l2requiem ?
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Old 12/27/2006, 03:47   #7
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Nope I tested it.
xsocom is offline  
Old 12/27/2006, 11:21   #8
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Nice work man ,

But can u please explain me where u get that information..
It is wrking on a server i'm playing , even the ItemID's don't match with those in my .ini file ....

maybe i can help u find the ID's for armor
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Old 12/27/2006, 14:03   #9
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GundamMechZero, nice.
Im here from a while but only in "read" mode, but if you published your part of that same work, as I do, i decide to do that same.
My work progress goes a little far. It was private, but i decide to publish my codes. I have more codes, but i think you dont need codes for D, and C grades so i wont publish em here. Look on This:

============= WEAPONS =============

D1070000 = S/H Swords
D2070000 = D/H Swords
D3070000 = Dual Swords - nothing works for now
D4070000 = Daggers
D5070000 = Bows
D6070000 = D/H Blunts - nothing works for now
D7070000 = Fists
D8070000 = Polearms
D9070000 = S/H Blunts

** Bold 7 there means for sure ,that this is WEAPON **

Theese are the List Id For Weapons. Here are some codes (ItemId's):

D1070000 = S/H Swords
(1F D1070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 4f000000 - Damascus (A)
- 52000000 - God's Blade (S)
- 8e000000 - Kashenberk (B)
- 89000000 - Mist Sword (B)
- 97000000 - Sword Of Miracle (A)
- 50000000 - Tallum Blade (A)

D2070000 = D/H Swords
(1F D2070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 75120000 - Great Sword == FOCUS == (B)
- 4E000000 - Great Sword (B)

D3070000 = Dual Swords
(1F D3070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- nothing founded for now :|

D4070000 =Daggers
(1F D4070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- B0120000 - Bloody Orchid == FOCUS == (A)
- ED000000 - Dragon's Tooth (S)
- EC000000 - Soul Separator (A)

D5070000 = Bows
(1F D5070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- DD120000 - Bow Of Peril == QUICK RECOVERY == (B)
- 21010000 - Soul Bow (A)

D6070000 = D/H Blunts (???)
(1F D6070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- nothing founded for now :|

D7070000 = Fists
(1F D7070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- C9120000 Bloody Tornado ==HASTE== [A]

D8070000 = Polearms
(1F D8070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- there are many, but i dont need any in game so i doesnt waste my time to found them, but if someones need the code, tell me and i will add it here.

D9070000 = S/H Blunts
(1F D9070000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- C8090000 - Meteor Shower (A)

**** Notice that weapon with options (focus, QR etc..) ALWAYS have "12" in their Item's ID Code... I make them blue to better see for you. ****

============== ARMORS ==============

E9030000 = Armors Heavy/ Armors Light/ BreastPlates/ Robes
F7030000 = Boots
EA030000 = Gaiters
F7030000 = Gloves
EC030000 = Helms/ Circlets

** Bold 3 there means for sure ,that this is some part of ARMOR **

Theese are the List Id For Armors. Here are some of my codes (ItemId's):

E9030000 = Armors Heavy/ Armors Light/ BreastPlates/ Robes
(1F E9030000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 76010000 - HEAVY - Armor Of Nihgtmare (A)
- 66010000 - HEAVY - Blue Wolf Breastplate (B)
- 4D090000 - HEAVY - Doom Plate Armor (B)
- 4F090000 - HEAVY - Majestic Plate Armor (A)
- 4E090000 - HEAVY - Tallum Plate Armor (A)
- 51090000 - LIGHT - Dark Crystal Light Armor (A)
- 5B090000 - LIGHT - Majestic Light Armor (A)
- 5A090000 - LIGHT - Nightmarish Leather Armor (A)
- 59090000 - LIGHT - Tallum Leather Armor (A)
- 67090000 - ROBE - Dark Crystal Robe (A)
- 68090000 - ROBE - Robe Of Nightmare (A)
- 60090000 - ROBE - Tallum Tunic (A)
- 69090000 - ROBE - Majestic Robe (A)
- 66090000 - ROBE - Avadon Robe (B)

F7030000 = Boots
(1F F7030000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 62160000 - HEAVY - Avadon Boots (B)
- 66160000 - HEAVY - Blue Wolf Boots (B)
- 91160000 - HEAVY - Dark Crystal Boots (A)
- 94160000 - HEAVY - Tallum Boots (A)
- 9A160000 - HEAVY - Majestic Boots (A)
- 97160000 - HEAVY - Nightmare Boots (A)
- 63160000 - LIGHT - Avadon Boots (B)
- 67160000 - LIGHT - Blue Wolf Boots (B)
- 92160000 - LIGHT - Dark Crystal Boots (A)
- 95160000 - LIGHT - Tallum Boots (A)
- 9B160000 - LIGHT - Majestic Boots (A)
- 98160000 - LIGHT - Nightmare Boots (A)
- 64160000 - ROBE - Avadon Boots (B)
- 9C160000 - ROBE - Majestic Boots (A)
- 96160000 - ROBE - Tallum Boots (A)
- 68160000 - ROBE - Blue Wolf Boots (B)
- 93160000 - ROBE - Dark Crystal Boots (A)
- 99160000 - ROBE - Boots Of Nightmare (A)

EA030000 = Gaiters
(1F EA030000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 4C090000 - HEAVY - Blue Wolf Gaiters (B)

F7030000 = Gloves
(1F F7030000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 56160000 - HEAVY - Blue Wolf Gloves (B)
- 85160000 - HEAVY - Dark Crystal Gloves (A)
- 8B160000 - HEAVY - Gloves of Nightmare (A)
- 88160000 - HEAVY - Tallum Gloves (A)
- 8E160000 - HEAVY - Majestic Gloves (A)
- 57160000 - LIGHT - Blue Wolf Gloves (B)
- 86160000 - LIGHT - Dark Crystal Gloves (A)
- 8C160000 - LIGHT - Gloves of Nightmare (A)
- 8F160000 - LIGHT - Majestic Gloves (A)
- 58160000 - ROBE - Blue Wolf Gloves (B)
- 87160000 - ROBE - Dark Crystal Gloves (A)
- 90160000 - ROBE - Majestic Gloves (A)
- 8A160000 - ROBE - Tallum Gloves (A)
- 8D160000 - ROBE - Gloves Of Nightmare (A)

EC030000 = Helms/ Circlets
(1F EC030000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 72090000 - HEAVY/LIGHT/ROBE - Helm Of Nightmare (A)
- 73090000 - HEAVY/LIGHT/ROBE - Majestic Circlet (A)
- 70090000 - HEAVY/LIGHT/ROBE - Blue Wolf Helmet (B)
- 71090000 - HEAVY/LIGHT/ROBE - Doom Helmet
- 74090000 - HEAVY/LIGHT/ROBE - Dragon Headgear (S)
- 75090000 - HEAVY/LIGHT/ROBE - The Hood (S)

============== JEWELRY ==============
Founded by GundamMechZero, grats man

F0030000 = Earings
F1030000 = Rings
F2030000 = Necklaces

Theese are the List Id For Jewerly. Here are some codes (ItemId's):

F0030000 = Earings
(1F F0030000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 58030000 - Adamantine Earing (B)
- 67030000 - Phoenix Earing (A)

F1030000 = Rings
(1F F1030000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 77030000 - Adamantine Ring (B)
- 86030000 - Phoenix Ring (A)

F2030000 = Necklaces
(1F F1030000 01000000 [ItemIDHERE] 01000000)
- 96030000 - Adamantine Necklace (B)
- A5030000 - Phoenix Necklase (A)

================================================== ================
================================================== ================
================================================== ================

Some of theese codes i found alone, so be respectable that i share them with you please.

As I said at start, theese are not all codes, but i only for useable weapons. But if someone need other codes - write - i wtry to find it for you.

Cheers - /V&#092;uad'/)ib
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Old 12/27/2006, 15:43   #10
elite*gold: 0
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Nice job, all off those codes are working on l2J c4

Can u explain me how u got them?? I want this to work on my private server
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Old 12/27/2006, 16:39   #11
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i post this already ^^
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Old 12/27/2006, 16:40   #12
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mua **** you >< you beat me to posting the armor =( i didnt have as many as you, and my notepad looks like **** compared to yout post though, so grats =D and looks very nice =)
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Old 12/27/2006, 17:16   #13
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llllllllllll im sorry if I posted something you have, I looked through the forums quite a bit and didnt see it, or at least ones that didnt work for me. But as for those asking how I did it, its like I said in my explanation in the background.

I found the D107 and the D407 on here and then noticed that they only work with daggers and s/h swords, so then I thought well, im going to try everything in between and after. After a while of trial and error I got almost all working. I would just use the sniffer in hLaPEx when I would buy a regular item from a GM Store (without A grade items) and get the item IDs of the types of equipment I was buying such as D/H swords. Then I would just try that ItemID in every one of them D207, D307, D507 etc. I just did that until I got everyone working as good as I could.

By the way there is a VERY nice table of everything in game right here . It was found on this forum and posted the info in my first post up top =).

Thanks for your input guys keep it coming and I will post more packets that I like later when I get them.

Oh and also, thanks muaddib what you put about armor really helped I really needed the ListIDs and couldnt find them, also if you find ListIDs for shields, jewelry and accessories that would be awesome, I already have the ItemIDs to all of them.
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Old 12/27/2006, 19:30   #14
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damit nothing works ABYSS ******* retail
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Old 12/27/2006, 20:29   #15
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hey, mua, how did you figure out the 12? I wanna try to figure out the other upgrade codes =D such as acumen ^.^
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