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L2 OOG Duel Boxing?
Discussion on L2 OOG Duel Boxing? within the Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros forum part of the Lineage 2 category.
02/29/2008, 19:43
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2008
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L2 OOG Duel Boxing?
Currently im using the OOG method Rukis suggested on an Official server and all is well: (note: look up member Rukis for
"Extract walker
Extract crack in the walker directory
Run xzcrk.exe, run l2walker.exe, login and bot"
method if your not sure what im talking about)
anyways, to all the experienced people out there, I was curious to know how many people duel box on ONE PC. I always figured duel boxing on one PC was a guaranteed way to get the ban hammer because it would result in 2 characters logged on with an identical IP, game over for sure. However, i've noticed a lot of 6-8 bot parties and for some reason i just dont believe they have 6-8 seperate computers. Has anyone duel boxed one PC for a long time on an official server? or do the majority of you use seperate pc's for duel boxing?
02/29/2008, 21:40
elite*gold: 0
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most ppl i think use one pc to dual box i box whole parties on my computer altho i mostily use IG walker. but since thats broke i run my parties with 3 oog client and 1 IG client that i paid for
02/29/2008, 21:46
elite*gold: 0
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Peanuts. First, it's DUAL boxing. Duel - 1 v 1 battle. Dual - 2 things at the same time.
Secondly, they cannot ban you for having the same ip. If you have your internet connection hooked up to a router, and then all your pcs in your house going into that router, they all have the same PUBLIC ip.
example: my public internet might be:'s not). but on my router my pcs have ip addys: ...2. ... 3. etc. But they all go through the router which has the ip:
03/01/2008, 05:52
elite*gold: 0
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Nonstop is correct. I can add to this. Usually farmers use one computer per party. The leader (usually BH, tank or TH) is usually run on IG, while the rest are on OOG. It's much easier to run multiple clients on OOG because it takes up SO much less resources. I've run up to three clients through IG on one single PC. Trust me, you need to be prepared for something like that or you'll have a very difficult time... Now I can hardly run a single client, wether it's with or without L2Walker because some of my RAM died. I think IG is much safer than OOG, but that's my semi-experienced opinion after losing over 2b in gear alone from SE getting banned on OOG. She was logged in for less than 20 minutes on it before getting DC'ed and banned, and took all my stuff with her, literally. Good luck!
03/02/2008, 01:50
elite*gold: 0
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OOG is obviously easier to detect than IG in official server...and u will be surely banned if you use it...
03/02/2008, 07:11
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 9
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It's only easier if you get noticed. Bot smart, and people don't even know you are doing it. Says I, for the last week.
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