Metin2 png images pack 300+ images 11/15/2014 - Metin2 PServer Guides & Strategies - 9 Replies Hi, here is 300 piece png images pack, it is mobs, npc, character weapons, house and more images :)
Link to download:!download|306|19862143 22|CirilGyujtemeny.rar|63099
Please take thanks for upload.
Password for extract: ciril
Images problem 08/02/2014 - Browsergames - 3 Replies Guys i have problem
I have server sf in localhost xampp, I changed in client_cfg.php, images should be download from me, not from playa games. However when I am going the server up, images are still downloading from playa games, not from me... Why?
My client_cfg : CFG -