S> Elo boost, 2.3k elo player! *CHEAPEST ELO BOOST* EUW/EUNE! Up tp 2k* 01/26/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 43 Replies Hi all, im a 2.3k elo player who sells elo boost. I main top, and when im playing at elo lower than 2k i win 90% of my games.
If you wanna buy elo boost by me, i will get you atleast 100 elo withing 24 hours.
0 - 1400 - 15 euros / 100 elo
1400 - 1500 - 22 euros / 100 elo
1500 - 1600 - 25 euros / 100 elo
1600 - 1800 - 28 euros / 100 elo
1800 - 2000 30 euros / 100 elo