[Buying] ADC Main Account with all Champs and ADC skins 11/25/2019 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Title says all
ADC Main
Should have good skins on adcs like kaisa vayne xayah ezreal lucian
Should have all or atleast close to all champs
Willing to pay more for Rare skins, big masteries or rare icons
Discord: Marc#7501
[Buying] EUW Account with Rakan & Xayah (maybe skins too) Gold-Diamond 09/30/2018 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Heya ;w;
I'm searching for a Gold-Diamond Account who has Rakan and Xayah on it. If you're also having skins it's fine, if not I'm also okay.
Write me a PM or a message on Discord/Skype, my Discord is "- Nico#6442"
[Buying] LoL Xayah/Rakan Gift 04/24/2017 - elite*gold Trading - 2 Replies Hey,
I wanted to know how much do e*gold do you want for a Xayah/Rakan IP Gift?
Write offers please :) (PN / Thread)
Best Regards
my lol acc for lol acc with xayah 04/20/2017 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies eague acc is silver 1 35 lp
its on euw
Champs: 90
Justicar Aatrox
Mundo Mundo
Arcade Ezreal