The account has level 2 Honor and 0 actual restriction in the game.
Selling all. If interested write a comment below or dm me on epvp.
My account has 49 Champions: akali, amumu, annie, ash, blitzcrank, brand, caitlyn, cho' gay, darius, dr mundo, elise, ezreal, galio, garen, gragas with , irelia, janna, jax, kai'sa, kayle, kayne, kha'zix, lee sin, lux, master yi, miss fortune, mordekaiser, morgana, nasus, neeko, nunu, pantheon, poppy, pyke, rumble , ryze, singed, sion, sivir, sona, soraka, teemo, tristana, tryndamere, urgot, vayne, warwick, xin zao, yasuo. I have Monarch kog'maw skin but don't have kog plus high noon lucian craftable and have 4000 orange essences. 8800 blue essences and 345rp
PRICE:Is you to choice