Ahoy matey! Are ya lookin' for fast and affordable ELO boosting? You've come to the right ship!
ELO PIRATES is here to make your League of Legends ranked dreams a reality(at an affordable price!). Our boosters Range from Diamond to Challenger tier and take jobs on accordingly.

or, search for live:elopirates
Here are our features:
100% Discreet - We NEVER release any of your personal information, all transactions and conversations are confidential.
VPN Usage - At your request we will use a VPN service to help you avoid Riot. (Should not be an issue either way.)
Offline Mode - At your request we will log-in to your account in Offline Mode, meaning you will appear offline for your friendslist. (We won't message anyone either way.)
NO TOXICITY - Our boosters will NEVER be toxic in any of their games played. You will be report-free!
Champion Adaption - Our boosters will do their best to adapt champion pools to fit yours. Meaning our boosters will carry on the champions YOU play. (Added authenticity)
Active Customer Service - A staff member should be on to help you with any questions or orders. Make sure to add our Skype.

V>IV 10$
IV>III 11$
III>II 12$
II>I 13$
I>Silver 15$
Bronze Combo - 50$ (SAVE 11$)
V>IV 15$
IV>III 16$
III>II 18$
II>I 20$
I>Gold 25$
Silver Combo - 80$ (SAVE 14$)
V>IV 25$
IV>III 28$
III>II 30$
II>I 32$
I>Plat 35$
Gold Combo - 135$ (SAVE 15$)
V>IV 35$
IV>III 38$
III>II 40$
II>I 45$
I>Diamond 50$
Plat Combo - 190$ (SAVE 18$)
V>IV 80$
IV>III 90$
III>II 110$
II>I 150$
I>Master 250$
Diamond Combo - 650$ (SAVE 30$)
>>Placement games: Contact support for an estimate. <<
We are not responsible for any actions done by Riot to your account.
ALL payments are to be sent as gifts through paypal with NO note.
You may NOT play ranked games during a boosting service. (This will end the service with no refund.)
You are NOT entitled to a refund. (Refunds are given out solely for mistakes from our end.)
You may NOT log-in to your account until the boosting session is over for that day (you can message staff to ask boosting to pause so you can log in.) Do not interrupt a log-in session.
Charging back a payment wrongfully removes all warranty on your account.
Our service is here to help you, kindly follow the simple rules and there should be absolutely no issues.