I wanna sell my LoL account for PayPal money or CS:GO skins.
- Silver V
- 26 LP/win
- 5190 IP
- 5 rune page
- Good MMR
- 116 champion (Syndra and Viktor not)
- 55 Skin
- 1166 normal win
- Longhorn and Unchained Alistar
- Pharaoh Amumu
- Noxus Hunter Anivia
- Reverse Annie
- Flerjord Ashe
- Boom-Boom Blitzcrank
- Cryocore Brand
- Sheriff Caitlyn
- Nightmare Cho'gath
- Bioforge Darius
- Toxic Dr. Mundo
- Soul Reaver Draven
- Shadow Evelyn
- Pulsefire Ezreal
- Dreadknight, Steel Legion Garen
- Pool Party Graves
- Piltover Customs Heimerdinger
- Jaximus
- Full Metal Jayce
- Traditional Karma
- Mercenary Katarina
- Judgement Kayle
- Karate Kennen
- Mecha Kha'zix
- Monarch Kog'maw
- Dragonfist Lee Sin
- Hired Gun Lucian
- Totemic Maokai
- Assasin, Chosen Master Yi
- Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
- Galactic Nasus
- AstroNautilius
- Pharaoh Nidalee
- Forsaken, Brolaf
- Pool Party Renekton
- Battlebunny Riven
- Tribal Ryze
- Traditional Sejuani
- Yellow Jacket Shen
- Lumberjacker Sion
- Dryad Soraka
- Renegade Talon
- Armor of the 5th Age Taric
- Panda Teemo
- Rocket Girl Tristana
- Highland Tryndamere
- Blight Crystal Varus
- Aristocat Vayne
- Northern Storm Volibear
- Big Bad Warwick
- Commando Xin Zhao
- Haunted Zyra
Contact in PM.
I accept Paypal money and CS:GO skins.