[Buying] EUW/EUNE 80+champs, bronze/silver 09/23/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi, i am looking for an account. Elo min. bronze I -max Silver III . Don´t care about skins, only champs.
thx ggwp
[Trading] EUNE bronze 3 account 19 champs, 1 skin, few runes 07/27/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello all
I want to trade my EUNE smurf to an NA account.
I am the original owner of the account.
the NA account dont have to be anything fancy, but if its unranked it would be preferd. champs and skins dont really matter. but atleast an ad or ap rune page would be nice.
If possible we will use a middleman from theese forums