Hai guys,
Im there to sell one of my smurf account.
As the title says it has 81 champs 4 rune pages.
Its PLAT V with plat border and rewarded as a platinum account ( Elise skin ward skin)
It was never banned.
-Standard AP / AD runes, LF and MS Quintessence included.
1. Pool Party Ziggs
2.Feral Warwick
3.Battlecast Urgot
4.Sultan Tryndamere
5.Guerilla Tristana
6.Justicar Syndra
7.Hextech Singed
8.Surgeon Shen
9.Royal Shaco
10. Headhunter Rengar
11. Headhunter Nidalee
12.Dragon Fist Lee Sin
13.Karate Kennen
14.Judgment Kayle
15.Traditional Karma
16.Angler Jax
17.Commando Jarvan IV
18.Victorious Janna
19.Spooky Gangplank
20.Frosted Ezreal
21.Death Blossom Elise
22.Victorious Elise
23.Stinger Akali
-About the deal: Only using Middleman, I will not go first, I dont care how trusted you are.
- Only Paypal
- I will not show you the account with Teamviewer, I can show it with Skype Screenshare.
-I will give a filled support ticket with the account, and giving my e-mail with it, since its not my personal e-mail.
Add me on skype with any offers or for any informations: devilingkatarina