WTS SMURF ACCOUNT ON TURKEY SERVER FOR ELITEGOLD 09/23/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies I want to sell my level 30 smurf account on turkey server for elite gold account have some good skin like bloodlord vladimir + brolaf
Turkey 30 LVL account. 70 champs, 5 rune pages. 04/12/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello, here is my account.
http://www.part.lt/perziura/8a196949930f9bf3baa83 7ccd8e0dcde327.PNG
http://www.part.lt/perziura/f9e1b62b0c5c28ad41273 a387e8dd1b3557.PNG
More info.
http://www.part.lt/perziura/2ba9f4d7761d5679c71e6 16cc17fbda3477.PNG
Account price and more info skype: Grands380
WTB Turkey codes. Turkey server got any skincode at all? 02/18/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hi guys, im playing on Turkey server.
Any skincode able to use there? Anyone trading that?
Or maybe anyone know where can i buy it? skin codes or maybe RP code able on turkey server too. Maybe you know some service.
[Exchange] Brasil 1 + turkey 2 for a Europe 2 Account 02/08/2013 - Browsergames Trading - 0 Replies Brasil 1 :
Level : 19
Exp : 2.1Bil
Honor : 7.7 M
Grade : 200K for 1 star
Hangars :
gogo + aegis + vengeance
x2 : 771 000
WTS 70 CHAMPS TURKEY ACCOUNT 1500 ELO 10/16/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 8 Replies Hi, im selling a 1500 elo turkish account, its pretty nice to play there, same latency as euw ! :)
Got a rare name too, add my skype joorkaan and we talk more, got some skins too..
Paypal only