[Selling] EUW Account (Plat Medal in s2 = Platinum Badge) / Plat III 90 points now / 104 Skins 04/26/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 19 Replies Hello. I have for sale almost fully completed account with tons of skins and almost all types of runes + 10 rune pages, wchich makes perfect base to go Pro for person who has trouble to raise rating :) (solo queue)
Account has Platinum Badge (while connecting to games and in summoner profile) after s2 in solo Queue, and Platinum Division III with 35 points at this moment = 2050~ rating in old elo system.
-9x 0,59 Ability Power
-9x 0,91 Armor
-9x 1,3 Armor Penetration
[Plat Account] NA - Plat IV - 80+ champs [RS07/RSGP/Canadian interac] 03/13/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies images : 979e916f2a893f508d3f64a71ed0b041.png
Details : 84 Champs, Most nesscary runes for all different positions, 16 ready and built pages
leave skypes below with offer.
Selling a NA S2 triple plat and S3 plat divsion 2 ACCOUNT. 02/19/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 8 Replies Champions -
ahri akali ali amumu anivia annie ashe blitz cait cass cho corki mundo draven elise eve ezreal fidd fizz gp garen grag graves heimer irelia janna jax karthus kass kat kayle kennen kog leblanc leesin lux malphite masteryi mf morde morg mnid nunu olaf ori panth poppy rammus rene reng riven ryze shaco shy siing sion sivir sona soraka syndra taric teemo trist turndle tryn tf twitch udyr urgot varus vayne veigar vi vlad ww xerath zed ziggs zilean zyra
Skins -
foxfire ahri pharaoh...
[Sell] NA lvl 30 plat season 2 and plat 5 s3 many skins many runes 02/03/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies The account is plat season 2 (plat border)
plat 5 division currently with 100 league points
it has all of the runes and 19 rune pages
it has a skin for almost every champ (some have multiple)
8 legendary skins
if you are interested pm me on skype destroyersean13 i will supply what ever info you want there
here are some pictures for the account http://imgur.com/a/rA80d#ahuNY5r