NA Sever Premium LoL Account for Sale!
This account is for serious buyers. Much money and time was put into this account and bids should be fair to what comes with it. Pictures provided.
PM me your bids and post that you messaged me. Account goes to the highest bidder and will be paid through Paypal. The only rule I have is that I will not be the first to go for payment, and if you would like a Middleman that you pay for it yourself. Other than that, Happy bidding!
Add me on skype: boggs13
IP: 5532 with 10 IP win boosts still on
Normal Wins: 1000+
Ranked W/L: 45/45
- 4 rune pages with x9 of nearly all runes available
-90 champs through Darius/Draven patch
- 78 Skins over nearly all characters with 2 legendary skins (Piltover Blitzcrank and Demonblade Tryndamere)
Akali (Stinger Skin)
Alistar (Unchained)
Annie (Goth)
Ashe (Woad)
BLitzcrank (Piltover Customs)
Brand (Apocalyptic)
Caitlyn (Shieriff)
Chogath (Nightmare)
Corki (UFO)
Fiddesticks (Spectral)
Galio (Enchanted/Hextech)
Garen (Sanguine)
Graves (Jailbreak)
Irelia (Nightblade)
Janna (Hextech)
Jarvan (DragonSlayer)
Jax (Vandal/Jaximus)
Katarina (Mercenary)
Kayle (Viridian/Judgement)
Kennen (Deadly)
KogMaw (Catapillar/Monarch)
LeBlanc (Prestige)
Lee Sin (Traditional)
Malphite (Shamrock/CoralReef)
Maokai (Charred)
Master Yii (Chosen)
Miss Fortune (Waterloo)
Mordekaiser (Infernal/Pentakill/Lord Mordekaiser)
Morgana (Exiled)
Nasus (Dreadknight)
Nidalee (SnowBunny)
Nocturne (Void/Ravager)
Olaf (Glacial)
Orianna (Gothic/Sewn Chaos)
Pantheon (Myrmidon)
Poppy (Noxus/Lollipoppy)
Rammus (Chrome/Freljord)
Renekton (Galatic)
Ryze (Tribal/Zombie)
Shen (Yellow Jacket)
Sion (Hextech)
Skarner (Earthrune)
Talon (Crimson Elite)
Teemo (Badger)
Tristana (Riot Girl)
Trundle (Junkyard)
Tryndamere (Viking/Demonblade)
Udyr (Primal)
Vayne (Vindicator)
Veiger (Leprechaun)
Vladimir (Lord)
Volibear (Thunder-Lord)
Warwick (Urf the Manatee/Firefang)
Yorick (Undertaker)