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WTS Account 1000+ Win 1400 Rating

Discussion on WTS Account 1000+ Win 1400 Rating within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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Cool WTS Account 1000+ Win 1400 Rating

Hello. I am selling my League Of legends account from the EU West server, because i'm going to university and i wont have time for play LoL + first i need money for the university.I only accept Paypal, I can send you pictures from champions

So here is the account:
Level: 30
Normal Wins (S2): 462
Solo Ratting : 1381 W 170 L 162 (S2)
Dominion : 39 Win
On the account STILL here 978 RP + 11203 Ip
Marks: 10x Armor Pen
9x 2,2% Crit Dmg
9x 0,95 Magic Pen
9x 0,95% Attack Speed

Seals : 9x 0,78% Crit Dmg
9x 0,59 Ability Power
10x 1,4 Armor
9x 0,76 Attack Speed

Glyphs:11x 0,64% Attack Speed
9x 0,56% Crit Dmg
9x 0,99 Ability Power
9x 1,5 Magic Resist
9x 0,64% Attack Speed

Quintessencess: 3x 3,33 Armor Penetration
3x 26 Health
3x 4,5% Crit Damage

Those Runes Enough for 5 full Runepage: 1. SoloTOP Ad 2. Mid Caster 3. DuoBOT Ad 4.Jungle/Tanky SoloTOP 5. Full CritDmg 4 gp/tryn or sometimes for AD's.

Champions + Skins

<<< <<< Alistar 1350 IP Unchained Alistar Legacy
Amumu 1350 Ip
Annie 1350 ip Frostfire Annie skin 975 RP
Ashe 475 Ip
Brand 6300 Ip
Cho'Gath 1350 Ip + Nightmare Cho'Gath skin 520 RP
Corki 3150 Ip
Dr. Mundo 1350 Ip
Ezreal 6300 Ip + Nottingham Ezreal Legacy skin : 520 RP u can't buy it now
Fiddlesticks : 1350 Ip + Surprise Party Fiddlesticks Legendary skin 975RP
Gangplank: 3150 Ip
Gragas 3150 Ip
Jax : 3150 Ip Vandal Jax Skin 520 RP
Karma: 3150 Ip
Karthus: 6300 Ip + Grim Reaper Karthus 975 RP
Katarina: 3150 Ip
Kayle: 1350 + Judgment Kayle Legacy Skin U can't buy it now.
Kog'Maw : 6300 Ip
Lee Sin: 6300 Ip
Lux: 3150 Ip
Malphite : 3150 Ip + Coral Reef Malphite 975 RP
Master Yi : 475 Ip
Miss Fortune : 6300 Ip
Mordekaiser: 3150 Ip
Nidalee: 3150 Ip + French Maid Nidalee 520 RP
Nocturne: 6300 Ip + Frozen Terror Nocturne : 975 RP
Olaf: 3150 Ip
Orianna : 4800 Ip
Pantheon : 3150 Ip + Perseus Pantheon Skin : 975 RP
Poppy: 1350 Ip + Noxus Poppy 520 RP
Renekton: 6300 Ip + Galactic Renekton skin 520 RP
Rumble : 4800 Ip
Ryze: 1350 Ip
Shaco: 3150 Ip
Sion: 1350 Ip + Barbarian Sion 975 RP
Soraka : 475 Ip
Talon: 6300 Ip
Taric: 1350 Ip
Teemo: 3150 Ip
Tristana : 1350 Ip + Riot Girl Tristana Skin
Trundle: 4800 Ip
Tryndamere: 1350 Ip
Twisted Fate: 1350 Ip + Jack Of Hearts 520 Rp
Twitch: 6300 Ip
Udyr: 3150 Ip + Primal Udyr 975 RP
Vayne : 6300 Ip + Dragonslayer Vayne 975 RP
Vladimir: 6300 Ip + Count Vladimir 520 RP
Warwick: 3150 Ip + Feral Warwick 975 RP
Xin Zhao 3150 Ip

If u are interested: add me on skype: mykolazjea , or leave comment!
infoora is offline  
Old 02/16/2012, 15:02   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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i buy him
marcel005 is offline  
Old 02/16/2012, 17:45   #3
elite*gold: 0
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add me on skype
infoora is offline  

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