Hi everyone!
I´m kinda new to these forums and this is my first post, yet I´d like to offer my services as for ELO BOOSTING and LESSONS.
Who are you?
I´m a european League of Legends player, I play this game since shortly after the beta and joined a competitive team rather quickly. I won several national tournaments as well as participated in international tournaments. Right now my former team disbanded and I currently have quite a few offers from teams that want me to play for them
What is your current elo?
By the time I write this my main account is at 2220 ELO. However my highest elo ever achieved is 2280, I have several smurfs around the 2000 ELO.
In November 2011 I made it to Rank 1 of EUW soloq ladder, since then I´m constantly performing in the Top 20 Europe.
What kind of heros do you play?
I´m specialized in playing AP carry mid or AD carry botlane. I play both roles on highest possible level, practicing against Europes Top 100 players every single day. I can make you improve with these kind of champions a LOT.
However I can play also play toplane and jungle on a competitive level.
Why would we believe all that?
I can totally understand if you guys want proof, that I´m actually who I´m stating to be. For that you can add me in skype Infraredkpop so I can we can talk to each other and I can add you ingame.
As for the Rank 1 Europe thing - I made screenshots back then, that prove my statements
What would all that cost?
That depends on WHERE your current Elo is, HOW MUCH elo you want me to gain and what TIME it takes to gain it. Elo is rounded off per 100. As for Lessons I´d take 20 Euro / Hour, in which YOU have the choice what we practice. Paypal would be my favourite payment method. For further information I´d like you to add me on Skype : Infraredkpop
Thats it then folks, I´d like to point out that I´m NOT scamming or anything just because this is a firstpost - as already mentioned : IF you need proof and further informations, ADD ME IN SKYPE : Infraredkpop
Thx for your interest