Hey guys, selling my level 30 account reletively cheap because i need 10 bucks for the new haunting nocturne skin on my NA Account(Switched because freinds play on NA), 10 bucks is only about 7 Euro's so i feel that is a bargan for what the account has.
Things to notice: I have a few expensive champs like Irelia, Nocturne and vlad aswell as plenty of 3150's . Still have RP and IP on the account.
Skins: Ravager Nocturne, Frejlord Ashe , Reverse Annie(My favorite)
Runes: I have the standard runes not a humongous collection but just too many to name them all. Standard jungling runes, AP runes, Ad Runes , pen runes for ap and ad, generic magic and armour resist runes. My Runes are teir 3 ofcourse.
I havent played too much ranked, so you will start on a fairly new slate.
I accept the payment from paypal only, i understand im probably the least trustworthy guy in this fourm so if you want a MM im fine with that but you need to understand that the only reason im selling is to afford the new nocturne skin, so you will need to pay the extra cost's
Not looking for a long auction, just asap.
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