Be ready to read what a real LoL enthusiast has to say, and if you're one of those people who just don't care, then I would sincerely recommend closing this tab, and please do not leave any negative comments as this full-length message means a whole lot to me.
Take a good look at the pictures for more info. on my account regarding ELOs and Runes. I stopped playing Ranked when I got that Silver badge (which is 1495+), since I did not wish to play 12+ hours per day just for grinding solo-queue ELOs. Frankly, I truly believe that my ELO should really have been somewhere around 1700-1800s, since I've played and won against lots of players at that ELO range. Still, it's the solo queue, and you know what I'm talking about. Due to the fact that I haven't played ranked for about 3 months, my ELO got decayed down to the minimum of 1400 (I was not aware of this whole ELO decay until it happened). Never played any ranked-premade 3v3s, or 5v5s. Therefore I only included my solo-queue ELO.
Also, please note that I had my Rune Page 1 being there from my last played match, that included the Armor Pen reds x9, Flat Armor Seals x9, MR per lvl x9, and Physical Dmg Quints x3 (15 Armor Pen, 13 Armor, 24 MR at lvl 18, and 6.8 Physical Dmg). Therefore, these 4 rune sets were not included in the runes' lists. Still, after a full year of playing LoL, I find myself having all that I need for any champion in any match for any kind of gameplay/playstyle. I used to also have a full rune page of flat Armor and MR (for playing rediculously tanky), and mana regen seals + glyphs (mostly for carries who spam a lot). Yet until I realized that these runes were no longer useful for low-to-mid-ELO playstyle, I threw 'em all in the Rune Combiner :P (for the Armor and MR, I only threw away the Secondary runes, so red + blue for Armor, and red + yellow for MR, therefore I still own the usual Primary runes for every day use). This should explain the odd runes that I have. Some runes are also limited and seasonal like the Spooky and Christmas ones.
Champs-wise, apparently on the picture, I've unlocked all but 3 champions thus far, mostly because I didn't like them (Karma and Yorick are retarded - especially when Yorick first came out, personally speaking, and Orianna is just too much work getting used to and mastering. I'm the kinda person who would only play a champion if I could master him/her, and getting used to playing such champs just takes up too much time that I recently do not wish to waste much more). I'm guessing you probably would want to change the Summoner name, thus I have left this account with 900+ RP and 5k IP. An extra 5 bucks should do the trick. the IPs left (and I would still of course try to grind some more daily with the first wins) should be able to help you get Skarner when it comes out.
I've spent the last whole year grinding my ass off on this game. Similar to what I've said above, I'm the kind of person who would either not play a game, or seriously play and master the shit out of it. I'm pretty confident saying that I can pwn asses with every single champion that I've unlocked. I loved every bit of it, loved every single game that I've played and truly wish I could have another not-doing-anything year of my life playing this game; but sadly it is now time for me to quit. However, I would only be willing to give up this account in exchange for a reasonable sum of money, such that it would be worth the time and money I've spent on. I'm not asking for the full nearly 600 bucks that I've spent, but I am hoping for something around $400 or best offer (US Dollars, btw). Payments can only be made via Paypal, through a Paypal money transfer. I'll then email you my account and password, and my email could be changed to yours if you log on to the main page.
Please do not leave any negative comments or post low-ball offers if you afterwards don't even have a single thought on buying my account, or if you can barely afford/think that the price is rediculous. I swear to god that all I've said is heartfelt and that I take this game and this whole selling-my-account seriously. I appreciate you patiently reading this whole message, and thank you for your time.
Following is the list of skins (and some most-recently-released champion bundles) that I've spent well over $500 (US Dollars) on. (You can probably tell which champ I've bought with the bundle when they were available by looking at the skins I own).
Akali - Crimson + Nurse
Amumu - Regifted (Limited)
Anivia - Bird of Prey
Ashe - Queen
Caitlyn - Sheriff
Cho - Loch Ness
Corki - Urf Rider
Ezreal - Striker (Limited)
Galio - Enchanted
Gangplank - Minuteman
Garen - Sanguine
Irelia - Aviator
Janna - Tempest
Jarvan - Dragon slayer
Jax - PAX (Ultra-rare, worth around $50 on eBay)
Karth - Statue
Kass - Deep One
Kayle - Silver (rare - Collector's Pack CD version only)
Ken - Karate
Kog - Lion Dance (Legendary)
Leblanc - both
Leona - Valkyrie
Lux - Spellthief
Malp - Coral Reef
Malz - Vizier
Yi - Chosen (the Jedi one)
Miss Fortune - Candy Cane (Limited)
Morgana - Exiled
Nid - Frenchmaid
Nocturne - Frozen Terror
Nunu - Grungy
Olaf - Brolaf (Legendary)
Pant - Perseus
Poppy - Battle Regalia
Ram - Freljord
Shaco - Mad Hatter
Shen - Surgeon
Singed - Riot (Limited + Rare, worth about $20 on eBay, also)
Swain - Northern Front
Taric - PINK TARIC! (the cutest skin in the whole fucking game!)
Trist - Riot + Firefighter (Legendary)
Troll - the baseball one
Tryn - all 3 but the new Legendary one
TF - Jacks of heart
Udyr - Primal
Veigar - Greybeard
Vlad - Marquis
Ww - Firefang
Wukong - Volcanic
Xin - Imperial