later i'll post some more nice things
I know that kocp dont allow kalhackit... but u can have some fun with it on servers without kocp
or if you smart enough you can do it on servers without kalhackit or even on int if you even smarter :P
First of all you need KalHackIt that works on private server with sniffing
(Download attached... thx to syntex for the snif.ini add)
now enter kal with khi...
write .snif load sent-all
now do 1 Storm..... you will see line 102b......... right after the storm is done

What does it mean?
10 - is the send skill command - ExcuteSkill
case 0x10: __asm jmp 0x00453353 break; //CPlayerSkill::ExcuteSkill
so .send 10 is like .send skill and so :P
2b - is the skill id - in this case its Thunder Storm
2d - is Ice storm
and so on
all the other part is the coordinates where the storm will be Excuted
Notice: everytime u want to change the storm coords you will have to do new storm in the place you want to make it spawn...
I forgot how to make the coords part without making new storm everytime to change coords i didnt play kal like 6 months :P
Anyway have fun
Comments are welcome