Time has come and i have had finally decided to sell my lifetime hearthstone account on EUROPE server. I was the only owner for the whole time, since May 2015.
I have spent both lot of money and especially time (which i really dont want to count) to grind this collection for over 4 years.
What can this account offer?
-8500 playmode wins
-1600 arena wins
-Total heroes level 540
-All golden heroes
-Ranked heroes wins: Hunter 795, Rogue 852, Warlock 737, Paladin 780, Priest 602, Shaman 620, Mage 858, Warrior 679, Druid 781
-Alternate heroes (18) such as: DEATHWING, Elise, Lunara, Khadgar, Liadrin, Arthas, Sir Annoy, Madame Lazul, Tyrande, Maiev, King Rastakhan, Morgl, Thunder King, Nemsy, Mecha Jarraxus, Medivh, Magni, Alleria.
-1000 dust to spend with 4700 gold
-95 collected Cardbacks (Including LEGEND ones)!
-Total of 219 Legendary cards (16 GOLDEN LEGS), 45 GOLDEN EPICS, 116 GOLDEN RARES, 195 GOLDEN COMMONS
-Epic cards: 475, Rare cards: 1080, Common: 1522
-All possible solo adventures purchased and available to play (including the new Tombs of Terror)
-Most of standard and wild meta decks fully crafted and ready to play
-Free Name+battletag change available
Collection link:
There is a prepurchase of 165 Descent of Dragons packs with the new Warrior Hero DEATHWING
Feel free to contact me for more screenshots!
Price is 650 EUR / 700 USD
In case of questions or negotiation, feel free to contact me here or through Discord: Weider#9991, or skype: Shaggy2507