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Accounts deemed unauthorized
Discussion on Accounts deemed unauthorized within the Guild Wars forum part of the MMORPGs category.
10/14/2020, 19:56
elite*gold: 0
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Accounts deemed unauthorized
With the recent doings of Anet making accounts unauthorized that are "bought by fraudulent ways" I would suggest not buying account keys from other countries ect til it's straightened out. Unless ofc you don't mind losing money ect. I have 6 that are under this anet horseshittery myself & sadly won't be buying anymore of those keys in the future. Buy with caution my fellow Guildwardians.
10/14/2020, 23:07
elite*gold: 0
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Hello get 26 accounts with this problem ._.
10/15/2020, 03:35
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Daimmmmm
Hello get 26 accounts with this problem ._.
my other 28 accounts are all older than what Anet deems Unauthorized & many are from the same 3rd party seller. SMH @ Anet
10/21/2020, 17:31
elite*gold: 0
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Any ideas on how to fix this without buying another key again? Has anyone been successful in opening a ticket?
10/24/2020, 11:52
elite*gold: 0
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nope they won't even answer me lol
10/26/2020, 12:44
elite*gold: 132
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Hello, after a while already discussing it and trying to find solutions with a known seller on this site, the answer is always clear:
The keys do not come from the official guild wars site / or one of their confirmed partners, therefore they will not give you back any access.
Be aware that however, no faction key has, on my side and on the side of all my close contacts, been touched, so if you want to reactivate your accounts, you can use a faction key at any store.
Hoping I could help you with what I know
10/28/2020, 17:38
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 14
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Originally Posted by AFKPoints
Hello, after a while already discussing it and trying to find solutions with a known seller on this site, the answer is always clear:
The keys do not come from the official guild wars site / or one of their confirmed partners, therefore they will not give you back any access.
Be aware that however, no faction key has, on my side and on the side of all my close contacts, been touched, so if you want to reactivate your accounts, you can use a faction key at any store.
Hoping I could help you with what I know
Do you mean that with a valid Factions key you get full access to the account?
10/29/2020, 13:01
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Di Lusso
Do you mean that with a valid Factions key you get full access to the account?
no you need all campagnes.. factions only will only allow you to log in that account again
11/02/2020, 23:53
elite*gold: 0
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Anyone managed to get their accounts back yet or can confirm adding keys will get you acces back to your characters/storage?
11/03/2020, 10:29
elite*gold: 100
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Originally Posted by Eylee
Anyone managed to get their accounts back yet or can confirm adding keys will get you acces back to your characters/storage?
Add new Key and you get acces back
11/03/2020, 23:48
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Eylee
Anyone managed to get their accounts back yet or can confirm adding keys will get you acces back to your characters/storage?
Yeah I just rebought keys from them I needed the storage for TOTs
11/07/2020, 23:07
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by GW Devil
Yeah I just rebought keys from them I needed the storage for TOTs
You had to buy keys from Guild Wars Store? or did you just add new key from sellers on here?
11/08/2020, 00:10
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Darksim23
You had to buy keys from Guild Wars Store? or did you just add new key from sellers on here?
From anet
11/26/2020, 20:26
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 42
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Originally Posted by AFKPoints
Hello, after a while already discussing it and trying to find solutions with a known seller on this site, the answer is always clear:
The keys do not come from the official guild wars site / or one of their confirmed partners, therefore they will not give you back any access.
Be aware that however, no faction key has, on my side and on the side of all my close contacts, been touched, so if you want to reactivate your accounts, you can use a faction key at any store.
Hoping I could help you with what I know
Did you buy a factions key from the Guild Wars Store, or from someone on here to get back access?
12/08/2020, 15:10
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 42
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To clarify... you can buy any key from a seller on here to UNLOCK an account but if you want to play/bot on said account you will need to buy the game keys for those games. I learned this the hard way and bought a factions key for nothing pretty much
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