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cant use xbox controller in gc? ;w;

Discussion on cant use xbox controller in gc? ;w; within the Grand Chase forum part of the MMORPGs category.

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cant use xbox controller in gc? ;w;

ok so i recently got the newest xpadder. and im having an issue. i dont know if its the controller... or if its the xpadder.

if i set buttons the controller does move when i press them BUT when i get into a game (example: Grandchase)

i set the butttons the same as the controller in the games settings... and even if i try to press random buttons in the chat box to test it or i go into a match and try to run
... my character does nothing and the chat box doesnt put any letters from my button mashing....

can anyone tell me whats wrong?

ive previously used xpadder with a dual shock usb controller for pc and a logitech and both work in and out of the game... but just my xbox controller wont work ingame.

ty for any help...

went and tested elsewhere:

... it works on maplestory.... i just dont understand... if it works on 1 game why wouldnt it on another...
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