I am offering my Genshin Impact Account.
First things first: The account is my personal one and nobody ever played on it other than me. A few pictures are to be found but I am going to provide the relevant information in written form also.
My 5* Characters:
C1 Diluc
My 5* Weapons
Wolfs Gravestone
Skyward Harp
Skyward Blade
4* (I got all of them so I just point out the ones with constellations)
C6 Xiangling
C5 Barbara
C4 Fischl
C4 Bennett
C4 Noelle
C3 Amber
C2 Xinyan
C2 Beido
C2 Sucrose
C1 Ningguang
C1 Lisa
As for built characters:
Diluc, Qiqi, Childe, Albedo, Bennett, Barbara are fully built.
Their weapons are between 80 and 90, dilucs, albedo and childes weapons are at 90 obviously.
I have a stock of books, gemstones, and other materials. I'm just currently lacking mora and crystal ore.
As for Ganyu. I have Cryo Goblets and her talents are upgraded. She is ascended to max but missing the last 10 XP levels like diluc and albedo.
I obviously have more artifacts than you can see in the pictures.
As for the price: Around 400€
Discord: Avalon#8568