I just made a simple aimbot in counter strike source. I used only c# and cheat engine. The hardest part is to finding true addresses.
Steps :
1 - Find player & enemy positions(X, Y, Z Coordinates)
2 - Find player's angle address.
3 - Calculate angle between two vectors(player and enemy)
4 - Change angle value to calculated angle.
[Quest]math.cos und math.sin 08/22/2010 - Metin2 Private Server - 10 Replies Hallo, anscheinend kennt Metin2 die Funktionen math.cos und math.sin nicht, gibt es trotzdem eine Möglichkeit die irgendwie zu benutzen? (Für den DT ;))
Making LOTF into a 5065 Source 11/19/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 24 Replies Hmm I've always loved 5065 servers.
I would love to own a 5065 Server but not a nooby binary one.
I wanna have a C# one.
Any input on how to make LOTF a 5065 Source.
I do not want to be spoonfed.
I would just like a little tips and/or examples.
Making Your Own Source 08/03/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 3 Replies Hmm I've been meaning to learn how to do this
cuz im kinda tired of coding lotf lol
anyone wanna give me tips?
teach me how to start this all out