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BOT Erstellen

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BOT Erstellen


ich kenn mich nicht mit AutoIT aus, obwohl ich es versucht habe zu lernen...

Kann jemand ein Bot erstellen, der den METEOR HACK aktiviert, Meteor macht, dann wieder den hack aus macht? Dann könnte man die ganze Zeit z.B bei Life woods hack an lassen und leveln.
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Old 10/16/2010, 12:06   #2
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Immer was wollen und nix dafür zu tun??

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Old 10/16/2010, 12:06   #3
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Originally Posted by xFireStriker View Post

ich kenn mich nicht mit AutoIT aus, obwohl ich es versucht habe zu lernen...

Kann jemand ein Bot erstellen, der den METEOR HACK aktiviert, Meteor macht, dann wieder den hack aus macht? Dann könnte man die ganze Zeit z.B bei Life woods hack an lassen und leveln.

Du kannst dich nicht innerhalb von 1 Tag damit auskennen. Du musst dich intensiver damit beschäftigen. Vielleicht hilft dir ja dieses Video:
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Old 10/16/2010, 12:21   #4
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ja ich kann das nicht hab schon tausendmal tutorials gelesen ich verstehs einfachnicht
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Old 10/16/2010, 12:23   #5
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Was verstehst du daran nicht? Mach einfach genau alles wie im Video...
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Old 10/16/2010, 12:37   #6
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Wenn ich den Freeze hack anmach, und dann den meteor hack bei arena benutz (1:30 warten) dann kommt helblood und nach ein paar sekunden schließt sich ft dann wieso? brauch ich den cracked client?
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Old 10/16/2010, 14:12   #7
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Bei mir is das auch so was muss ich machn damit das fenster sich nich schließst^^
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Old 10/16/2010, 15:59   #8
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F2 drücken wen rote ball kommt (das in der mitte) warten bis 1:30 ist F1 drücken und mets und fertig mit boos batle!
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Old 10/16/2010, 17:59   #9

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Nike ,du kannst auch gerade nichts.. Du sagst du kannst programmieren usw. ,machst garnichts pub. usw. und wenn einer frägt wie man programmiert / codet .. ,gehst du in Youtube auf die suche ,wer kann das nicht?
#Super Pro [ironisch]
Aussehrdem das was im Video ist ,ist glaub nicht das er sucht..
Das passiert halt davon wenn man in Youtub einfach etwas rein schreibt..

AutoIt V3 coding :

Download :

//Für AutoIt V3 Trainer brauchst du Nomad Memory.au3
Download :

Import NomadMemory..
//Geh in den Ordner ,wo AutoIt installiert ist
z.B. C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3
Füge die NomadMemory in den Include Ordner
der bei 64Bit hier sein sollte :
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include

NomadMemory ist dafür da um an Memorys ran zu kommen und dran was zu ändern

NomadMemory.au3 Quellcode :
#region _Memory
; AutoIt Version:	3.1.127 (beta)
; Language:			English
; Platform:			All Windows
; Author:			Nomad
; Requirements:		These functions will only work with beta.
; Credits:	wOuter - These functions are based on his original _Mem() functions.
;			But they are easier to comprehend and more reliable.  These
;			functions are in no way a direct copy of his functions.  His
;			functions only provided a foundation from which these evolved.
; Functions:
; Function:			_MemoryOpen($iv_Pid[, $iv_DesiredAccess[, $iv_InheritHandle]])
; Description:		Opens a process and enables all possible access rights to the
;					process.  The Process ID of the process is used to specify which
;					process to open.  You must call this function before calling
;					_MemoryClose(), _MemoryRead(), or _MemoryWrite().
; Parameter(s):		$iv_Pid - The Process ID of the program you want to open.
;					$iv_DesiredAccess - (optional) Set to 0x1F0FFF by default, which
;										enables all possible access rights to the
;										process specified by the Process ID.
;					$iv_InheritHandle - (optional) If this value is TRUE, all processes
;										created by this process will inherit the access
;										handle.  Set to 1 (TRUE) by default.  Set to 0
;										if you want it FALSE.
; Requirement(s):	None.
; Return Value(s): 	On Success - Returns an array containing the Dll handle and an
;								 open handle to the specified process.
;					On Failure - Returns 0
;					@Error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid $iv_Pid.
;							 2 = Failed to open Kernel32.dll.
;							 3 = Failed to open the specified process.
; Author(s):		Nomad
; Note(s):
Func _MemoryOpen($iv_Pid, $iv_DesiredAccess = 0x1F0FFF, $iv_InheritHandle = 1)
	If Not ProcessExists($iv_Pid) Then
        Return 0
	Local $ah_Handle[2] = [DllOpen('kernel32.dll')]
	If @Error Then
        Return 0
	Local $av_OpenProcess = DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', $iv_DesiredAccess, 'int', $iv_InheritHandle, 'int', $iv_Pid)
	If @Error Then
        Return 0
	$ah_Handle[1] = $av_OpenProcess[0]
	Return $ah_Handle

; Function:			_MemoryRead($iv_Address, $ah_Handle[, $sv_Type])
; Description:		Reads the value located in the memory address specified.
; Parameter(s):		$iv_Address - The memory address you want to read from. It must
;								  be in hex format (0x00000000).
;					$ah_Handle - An array containing the Dll handle and the handle
;								 of the open process as returned by _MemoryOpen().
;					$sv_Type - (optional) The "Type" of value you intend to read.
;								This is set to 'dword'(32bit(4byte) signed integer)
;								by default.  See the help file for DllStructCreate
;								for all types.  An example: If you want to read a
;								word that is 15 characters in length, you would use
;								'char[16]' since a 'char' is 8 bits (1 byte) in size.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns the value located at the specified address.
;					On Failure - Returns 0
;					@Error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid $ah_Handle.
;							 2 = $sv_Type was not a string.
;							 3 = $sv_Type is an unknown data type.
;							 4 = Failed to allocate the memory needed for the DllStructure.
;							 5 = Error allocating memory for $sv_Type.
;							 6 = Failed to read from the specified process.
; Author(s):		Nomad
; Note(s):			Values returned are in Decimal format, unless specified as a
;					'char' type, then they are returned in ASCII format.  Also note
;					that size ('char[size]') for all 'char' types should be 1
;					greater than the actual size.
Func _MemoryRead($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $sv_Type = 'dword')
	If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then
        Return 0
	Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type)
	If @Error Then
		SetError(@Error + 1)
		Return 0
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '')
	If Not @Error Then
		Local $v_Value = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1)
		Return $v_Value
        Return 0

; Function:			_MemoryWrite($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $v_Data[, $sv_Type])
; Description:		Writes data to the specified memory address.
; Parameter(s):		$iv_Address - The memory address which you want to write to.
;								  It must be in hex format (0x00000000).
;					$ah_Handle - An array containing the Dll handle and the handle
;								 of the open process as returned by _MemoryOpen().
;					$v_Data - The data to be written.
;					$sv_Type - (optional) The "Type" of value you intend to write.
;								This is set to 'dword'(32bit(4byte) signed integer)
;								by default.  See the help file for DllStructCreate
;								for all types.  An example: If you want to write a
;								word that is 15 characters in length, you would use
;								'char[16]' since a 'char' is 8 bits (1 byte) in size.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns 1
;					On Failure - Returns 0
;					@Error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid $ah_Handle.
;							 2 = $sv_Type was not a string.
;							 3 = $sv_Type is an unknown data type.
;							 4 = Failed to allocate the memory needed for the DllStructure.
;							 5 = Error allocating memory for $sv_Type.
;							 6 = $v_Data is not in the proper format to be used with the
;								 "Type" selected for $sv_Type, or it is out of range.
;							 7 = Failed to write to the specified process.
; Author(s):		Nomad
; Note(s):			Values sent must be in Decimal format, unless specified as a
;					'char' type, then they must be in ASCII format.  Also note
;					that size ('char[size]') for all 'char' types should be 1
;					greater than the actual size.
Func _MemoryWrite($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $v_Data, $sv_Type = 'dword')
	If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then
        Return 0
	Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type)
	If @Error Then
		SetError(@Error + 1)
		Return 0
		DllStructSetData($v_Buffer, 1, $v_Data)
		If @Error Then
			Return 0
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'WriteProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '')
	If Not @Error Then
		Return 1
        Return 0

; Function:			_MemoryClose($ah_Handle)
; Description:		Closes the process handle opened by using _MemoryOpen().
; Parameter(s):		$ah_Handle - An array containing the Dll handle and the handle
;								 of the open process as returned by _MemoryOpen().
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns 1
;					On Failure - Returns 0
;					@Error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid $ah_Handle.
;							 2 = Unable to close the process handle.
; Author(s):		Nomad
; Note(s):
Func _MemoryClose($ah_Handle)
	If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then
        Return 0
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ah_Handle[1])
	If Not @Error Then
		Return 1
        Return 0

; Function:			SetPrivilege( $privilege, $bEnable )
; Description:		Enables (or disables) the $privilege on the current process
;                   (Probably) requires administrator privileges to run
; Author(s):		Larry (from's Forum)
; Notes(s):

Func SetPrivilege( $privilege, $bEnable )
    Const $TOKEN_QUERY = 0x0008
    Const $SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x0002
    Local $hToken, $SP_auxret, $SP_ret, $hCurrProcess, $nTokens, $nTokenIndex, $priv
    $nTokens = 1
    $LUID = DLLStructCreate("dword;int")
    If IsArray($privilege) Then    $nTokens = UBound($privilege)
    $TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = DLLStructCreate("dword;dword[" & (3 * $nTokens) & "]")
    $NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES = DLLStructCreate("dword;dword[" & (3 * $nTokens) & "]")
    $hCurrProcess = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","hwnd","GetCurrentProcess")
    $SP_auxret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","OpenProcessToken","hwnd",$hCurrProcess[0],   _
    If $SP_auxret[0] Then
        $hToken = $SP_auxret[3]
        $nTokenIndex = 1
        While $nTokenIndex <= $nTokens
            If IsArray($privilege) Then
                $priv = $privilege[$nTokenIndex-1]
                $priv = $privilege
            $ret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","LookupPrivilegeValue","str","","str",$priv,   _
            If $ret[0] Then
                If $bEnable Then
                    DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,$SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED,(3 * $nTokenIndex))
                    DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,0,(3 * $nTokenIndex))
                DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,DllStructGetData($LUID,1),(3 * ($nTokenIndex-1)) + 1)
                DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,DllStructGetData($LUID,2),(3 * ($nTokenIndex-1)) + 2)
            $nTokenIndex += 1
        $ret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","AdjustTokenPrivileges","hwnd",$hToken,"int",0,   _
                "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES),"int",DllStructGetSize($NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES),   _
        $f = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","int","GetLastError")
    If $SP_auxret[0] = 0 Then Return 0
    $SP_auxret = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","hwnd",$hToken)
    If Not $ret[0] And Not $SP_auxret[0] Then Return 0
    return $ret[0]
EndFunc   ;==>SetPrivilege

Bestimmte Quellcodes an AutoIt :
#RequireAdmin ;vorder Admin. Rechte an..
#include ;Fügt hinzu
In unserem Fall :
#include <NomadMemory.au3>
$S4 ;Adresse eingeben (S4 ist nicht das Spiel S4!)
In unserem Fall z.B.
$S4 = 0x00CF4830 ;Immer ein 0x davor setzen
Nicht so wichtig :
ToolTip("Warte auf FT_Client.exe ...", 0, 0) ;Nun zeigt es an das es auf FantasyTennis 2 wartet (oder was auch immer)
$WAIT = ProcessWait("FT_Client.exe") ;Wartet bis FT_Client.exe existiert
$PID = ProcessExists("FT_Client.exe") ;Wenn die .exe existiert dann..
$OPEN = _MEMORYOPEN($PID) ;Öffnet sich das Memory
_MEMORYWRITE($S4, $OPEN,"99999","Float") ;Memory schreibt die Adresse um auf z.B. 99999 (sehr wichtig ,immer dahinter schreiben ob es "Float ; 4Bytes" oder was auch immer ist!
Exit ;Beenden

Würde in diesem Fall so aussehen :
#include <NomadMemory.au3>
$S4 = 0x00CF4830
ToolTip("Warte auf FT_Client.exe ...", 0, 0)
$WAIT = ProcessWait("FT_Client.exe")
ToolTip("Erfolgreich injected ...", 0, 0)
MsgBox(0, "Erfolgreich Injected!", "Erfolgreich Injected! Have Fun! ")
$WAIT = ProcessWait("FT_Client.exe")
$PID = ProcessExists("FT_Client.exe")
_MEMORYWRITE($S4, $OPEN,"99999","Float")
//Ich weiss ist gerade nicht eine Nummer 1 Beschreibung / Erklärung ,aber besser als das was Nike dahin schreibt ,Spam

Erklärunge im Youtube Video :


,hoffe hab euch geholfen..

€ :
Einen Bot zu programmieren ,ist jetzt kaum noch möglich für 32Bit Benutzer ,durch den neuen Update von AhnLab (Hackshield) ,trotzdessen wer weiss!
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2 Users
Old 10/16/2010, 23:37   #10
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Old 10/17/2010, 13:31   #11

Bench's Avatar
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Gerne und mal nebenbei ,wenn du mehrere Adressen auf einmal Injecten willst
z.B. mit den alten MoveSpeed etc. Adressen die hier pub. sind/waren
#include <NomadMemory.au3>
ToolTip("Warte auf FT_Client.exe ...", 0, 0)
$PID = ProcessWait("FT_Client.exe")
_MEMORYWRITE(0x00705648, $OPEN, "MAX_SPIN", "char[8]")
_MEMORYWRITE(0x006F7757, $OPEN, "MoveSpeed", "char[9]")
_MEMORYWRITE(0x00705600, $OPEN, "MAX_CHARGE_SPEED", "char[17]")
_MEMORYWRITE(0x00705654, $OPEN, "MAX_SPEED", "char[9]")
_MEMORYWRITE(0x00705660, $OPEN, "MAX_POWER", "char[9]")
ToolTip("Erfolgreich injected.", 0, 0)
float = Float
4Bytes = 4Bytes
char = Text
Bei char musst du die "Wörter / Zeichen / wte" in der " " zählen z.B. bei MAX_POWER = 8 durch char musst du aber mindestens +1 nehmen ,sonst klappt das nicht / bzw. nicht so gut
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