Use ur banes crystal against him so u get the electric crits that make u immune to his attacks. Then when he uses shields have another saber ready with a crystal that has heat dmg and u can go right thro his shield with the fire ticks.
7k Per kill at level 71 Easy kill 11/18/2008 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 2 Replies In the quest Mighty Magnataur you have to kill 3 Magnataurs which are fairly easy. They also give 7k xp per kill and spawn ever 10-20 seconds. So heres how you do it.
For casters-
Iceshatter is the best choice for a mage to kill, since he casts and wont be hitting you.
Strategy-Just kite around with any instance cast spells when he starts casting move 10yds away and nuke, easy kill
For melee-
Drakegore-He is the best choice for melee to kill, since he doesn't cast any spells or...
Easy Jedi XP With Someone Who Can Root 06/17/2005 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies Have someone who can root, a master enhancer jedi, a pistoleer, or a ranger.
Go to the jedi enclaves on Yavin 4, have the person who can root, pull one of the sentinels then root him, the jedi will run up, whack it a few times (and kill it).
They die in 15-20 seconds, the person rooting just has to keep it rooted.
You can get 6,000 - 12,000 XP per kill. (Jedi XP)
easy Jedi xp 06/06/2005 - General Gaming Discussion - 6 Replies I have yet to determine if this is intentional or exploit material but you can now get xp for killing speeders this works in a Duel even so um get out there while there is no word on it and blow up your alt's Flash speeder over and over again.
Easy Jedi/Respec Points 05/29/2005 - General Gaming Discussion - 4 Replies When you /respec your Jedi, drop all skills and they will be banked. Next go to your trainer and get all of the Jedi novice boxes. Wait 12 hours and drop all skills again. You will notice that you will have an extra 5 points of Jedi points avail for your exploiting pleasure. Rince repeat every 12 hours!
Example you start off with 70 Jedi skill points. After doing this you will have 75 Jedi Skill points.
You will need 100k Banked Jedi XP every 12 hours, so grind some XP up before you do...
6k Jedi XP per kill 05/15/2005 - General Gaming Discussion - 4 Replies The Sentinals at either Jedi Enclave grant over 6k xp per kill
With the right group they're not very difficult to kill and respawn instantly.