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Exp Exploit Evil-Side Newbie Island

Discussion on Exp Exploit Evil-Side Newbie Island within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Exp bug on the evil-side noob island. I noticed this only sems to work with 2 tents by the tree house. But first you go over to the tents aggro, and just set the tent on fire. the burning will burn the mobs, and you if youre not to careful hehe. It will then burn the mobs to death and give you exp.

I tried this on tents not by the treehouse, and it didn't work. I'll try to do it on the other tents to see if it could work.

If you have the mobs in the right place standing by the tents while they are on fire it will kill them and give you exp. without having to swing/cast 1 spell.
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