*push* okay i know this thread isnt really well set up ;o
but still i would like to see some usefull stuff to lost saga , wether its a bot or a hack
you can find the official lostsaga page @
lost saga is a fast-paced sidescrolling fighting game, a for jump s for shield d for attack and combo of those keys for skills , thats pretty much it^^ many modes to choose from (f.e. crusader, would be great for a bot because its pvE and you can do it solo^^ in addition you get presents for every 1 hr youre playing so that would double the use of any bot^^)
i think alot of the stuff in lost saga is client sided though im sorta too stupid to actually get any results with cE
only problem is double protection , x-gameguard and anotherone + you have to start the game through the webpage^^ i guess best would be an injecting hack but dunno alot about creating hacks D=
bot seems to be less hard but i dont have any experience with it so its just a guess when i assume its not as hard as a hack
anyways would love any outcome from your work <3