Hey guys i have 12sky hacks.VAC hack,Speedhack,and godmode.They are originally bought with real money.I wanna sell these hacks for ap.add me on msn
i promise no scams,no nothing im just going broke
leave ur email
selling 12sky m1 fujin or trading for 12sky jinong 09/16/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies im selling a m1 fujin he has a katana 81% nd rare necky nd ring nd he has a uni robe if your interested post a reply here im looking for 12sky silver coins or a jinong 100+ my email is [email protected]
12sky Hacks 12/17/2009 - 12Sky2 - 23 Replies i got 12sky hack that include move speed atk speed and god mode and im willing to trade it for the 12sky2 aeria adresses or for 12sky2 aeria acc pm if interested :bandit:
[12SKY] Hacks\Pill Bot 07/21/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 3 Replies Hello,
I am looking for information on finding Bosses in twelvesky, Good zones for this, when is best to find them. Maybe if you know of zones that are not opened to the public. Or help to kill other bosses that I know of on a consistent basses.
For this information/help I will provide you with a copy of my GM Teleport hack, Witch switches on a flag in memory allowing you direct access to the /movezone command used to by portals to move you from zone to zone. You can simply type...
12sky hacks 02/08/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 4 Replies i found this one site that lvled my char up 10lvls and gave him 10mil gold :eek: