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Graalonline Pserver Hosting Tutorial

Discussion on Graalonline Pserver Hosting Tutorial within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Exclamation Graalonline Pserver Hosting Tutorial

Hab ma eben ein hilfreiches Tut gefunden um einen Graal Online Privat Server zu hosten.

Hosting a GServer
*To go through with this tutorial, you must know the personal layout of your LAN.
*Paths may change drastically depending on layouts and configurations. Knowing how you connect is key.
*Due to many scenarios and specifics, this Tutorial has been cut into different Posts.

Step 1, Knowing your Hardware Layout:
There are various ways computers can connect to the internet.
Some will be unhostable, some will have complications. Getting through this step will choose which path you take.
*Internet* -> Modem -> Computer
*Internet* -> Modem -> Router -> Computer
*Internet* -> DSL-Router -> Computer
*Internet* -> DSL-Router -> Router -> Computer

Step 2, Knowing your Software Layout:
You must know your configurations on how to connect to the internet.
Do you use a Static IP method or PPPoE to get Online?
Which piece of hardware (Modem, Router, PC) contains the information to get you Online?
The IP's to get into the Modem/Router Control Panels if necessary.
Step 3, Configuring the serveroptions.txt:
In your serveroptions.txt make sure of the following, (edit these parts only if you know what you're doing.)
# The information of the computer hosting the gserver. This gets sent to people wanting to connect.
# If myip is set to AUTO, it uses the IP address exposed to the list server.
myip = AUTO
serverport = 14802

# Specifies the location of the list server.
listip =
listport = 14900

Step 4, Go with the option which applies to you:
*Internet* -> Modem -> Computer
*Internet* -> Modem -> Router -> Computer
*Internet* -> DSL-Router -> Computer
*Internet* -> DSL-Router -> Router -> Computer

If *Internet* -> DSL-Router -> Router -> Computer does not work for you, also follow the directions in *Internet* -> Modem -> Computer. Some routers need that extra step to work properly.

*Internet* -> Modem -> Computer
*Common Issues: Unable to Port Forward

*When hosting the GServer, you may notice you cannot connect and neither can others.
This is because you are unable to port forward, the method around this is as follows.

Step 1, Open the Port
Make sure your Firewall is allowing the GServer full access and allowing the use of the designated GServer's Port.

Step 2, Get a substitute Domain Name:
Set up an account at
Download the client software and use it up update '<youraccount>' to your current external IP

Step 3, Modify settings.ini: (Serversettings for Rev51+)
Change myip from 'AUTO' to '<youraccount>'

*At this point, you may notice other people can connect to your server, but you may not. Go onto Step 4 if this applies to you.

Step 4, Locate Hosts
You will need to edit your hosts file to connect to your own server.
It can usually be located at "CWINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc", after locating the file called 'hosts' open it with notepad.exe.

Insert the following line.

Code:	<youraccount>
After this file is saved, you may connect to your own server as the No-IP Domain Address will be automatically forwarded directly to yourself.

*Internet* -> Modem -> Router -> Computer
*Common Issues: None (Congrats, you got the easiest setting!)

Step 1, Open the Port
Make sure your Firewall is allowing the GServer full access and allowing the use of the designated GServer's Port.

Step 2, Router CP
I assume you know the IP to your Router's Control Panel, right?
For Linksys, the IP is usually (Username and Password Required)

Once in the Control Panel, look a tab called "Applications and Gaming" or "Port Forwarding".
Once here, you will forward your GServer's Designated Port (14802) to your PC's current local IP.
*To get your local IP, you can either check your network settings, look at the DHCP Client List in the Router, or use Start>Run>'Command'>'ipconfig'

'Application Name' is more like a Comment, it can be anything.
Also you want to port forward TCP, you may forward both TCP and UDP, but the GServer does not currently support UDP.

After it is set up, it may look something like this:
[Graal] 14802~14802 TCP/UDP .100

Your server should now be available for everyone!

If you cannot join your server from the same computer you are hosting from:
Follow the *Internet* -> Modem -> Computer tutorial from Step 2 to the end.

*Internet* -> DSL-Router -> Computer
*Common Issues: Unable to Portforward, Unable to host. (You're boned.)

You will not get much luck from a DSL-Router/Modem w/ built-in Router.
It is the worst thing to host on and it causes all forms of trouble.
If you do not have a spare 'normal' router laying around, you will not be able to host in your current state.

The reason? These things cannot port forward dispite what all the firmware and settings claim.
Either get a normal Modem, a Router, or a Hamachi Server. (Hamachi is not my area of interest, sorry.)

*Internet* -> DSL-Router -> Router -> Computer
*Common Issues: Unable to Portforward, Unable to host.

Now, you're not screwed like the previous situation where you have this evil modem and no router.
This is probably the most common scenario and also requires the most of the information you've gathered previously.

If your Modem Connects to the Internet (contains the info to get Online) and your Router is set to 'Automatic IP' then you cannot host just yet. The Router has the ability to bypass this type of modem's bullshit and non-functionality.

Step 1, Collecting Info:
Collect the information you use to connect to the internet from your Modem, Be it Static IP, DNS, or Username@ISPassword for PPPoE

Step 2, Putting it to good use:
Put all this information into your Router's Control Panel.
Select Static IP or PPPoE respectively for your connection.
*If its Static, put in your external IP address, the DNS Servers, and anything else needed.
*If its PPPoE, you may have collected your information as "Username" and "Password", this is only half right. Your Username is really Username@ISPAddress, you can probably find the address it connects to back in your Modem.

Step 3, Your Router is Bypassing the Modem? Good:
Now your Router should be connecting to the internet itself, and using the Modem as an actual modem...
If this is the case, you're all good (otherwise, fix your connection settings.)

Now we can take a step back into a previous selection, as it contains identical situations for your next steps.

* *Internet* -> Modem -> Router -> Computer

After this, pat yourself on the back, you should be ready to go!

Dieses Tutorial ist nicht von mir!

Quelle :


Graal Reborn Server GS2Emu v2 Beta

Neuster Graal2Emu :

Neuestes Client Pack (ohne den könnt ihr nicht auf den Server connecten)

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