Someone know how to use bot on Russian server or can someone do a bypass for russion?
Discussion on Someone know how to use bot on Russian server or can someone do a bypass for russion? within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.
jatacid this is on englishoff server but on russion server still on hackshild and nobody cant crash him :// or can but this is only very privat or somthing like that to publik nobody from hacks that areworking on russian servere are egzist
Пиллз, для начала то хотябы попробовал запустить бота, ХакШилд у нас тоже перестал работать, т.к грядет Сезон 2 , под новый сервер будут выпускать другой.
[Question] Dekaron Russion Skill hack 04/27/2010 - Dekaron Private Server - 1 Replies Edit: oh mist grad gesene meinte Dekaron Fusion nicht Russion Oo
Hey hey ich hab nun mal fast alle p server getestet mit den hacks wo ich habe und fusion ist der einzige auf dem ich speed hack nutzen kann doch dort geht skill hack nicht auf anderen geht endweder alles auser speed pder skill und speed nicht .. nun frage hätte da jemand nen skill hack für ?
such function wurde genutzt nichts gefunden !!!
Gruß Deyo
Server Russian ppl work so much!! 03/06/2010 - Aion Private Server - 0 Replies WORK:Spirit Summons alll;Craf Sistem FULL;Mobs patrolling;all skills for knock back sorrcer/ranger work 100%;andso much more test it :D...have any problem all are Russian xD but server are good than other servers rate is x1 ;SkillBook not auto learn u need buy it :D
Test it! Is OBT :D
HS Bypass for Russian Servers 01/11/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 25 Replies rus:
Ура, товарищ& #1080;! Это свершил& #1086;сь!
Я адаптир& #1086;вал байпас майлман& #1072; для русских серверо& #1074; :bandit::cool::bandit:
Текущая версия 00000141.
Установ ка такая же:
- скачайт& #1077;
- распаку& #1081;те в папку с игрой (по умолчан& #1080;ю RequiemRUS)
- начинай& #1090;е хакинг!!! :D
BOT FORE Russian server 11/10/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 27 Replies Do you know how to configure Bot ready to play Russians servers
Who can help with something Configuring :)