-Please do not complain just yet, this hack is in the early stages of development, some features do not work 100%
* When using the teleport function, do not teleport too far from your current location, as this will cause you to fall to your death.
-working on this issue, should be fixed in final version
* DO NOT teleport to a location that is NOT in the same zone as you are in. This will simply not work, and will never be implemented.
* DO NOT use the glide hack while in water, for some strange reason this seems to drown you.
* When using the +10 buttons, make sure you click the lock key (Especially with the Y axis) as this seems to work nicely.
-you will notice that your mount disapears if you are on it, this is normal... its a little trick I used to make the lock Y hack work a little better
-above rule goes for all the other hacks as well, but especially the speed hack.
* I will not be held responsible for your actions. Ive been using this for months without being detected. The reason why I havent been banned or warned is simply the fact that I like to use this tool when in solitary confinement. (Alone...)
* The server tab is disabled for now, will try to implement it in the next version.
* Dont set your character size too large, its caused crashes before... oh, and thats a definite way to get yourself /report'd as there is no way your character can be HUGE on normal terms.
* You can paste a waypoint in the "Location name:" textbox and click "Add", this will add the location to your tele-list and will also be uploaded to the listserver. (If its online)
EG. -20.33,1.33,4.23 (The code looks for 2 commas)
* The app will upload waypoints to the listserver as you add them. Other people using the hack will be able to see these.
Thats all I can think of right now- enjoy and dont get yourself banned!!
I will try to update this hack atleast once a month OR whenever there is a new patch!
Constructive comments will be appreciated. Im open to discussion and recommendations.
Important: Run the hack, THEN run EverQuest2.exe, do not use the launcher, for some reason it does not seem to hook properly through the launcher.