WTS>Ether saga accounts 10/28/2010 - Trading - 4 Replies I'm attempting to sell my actual ether saga account:
Mystic lvl 43, has diplo set 60 in bag wih imbue and embed (weapon included)
Ranger 43, has tons of fashion gears (crescente fashion gear, butterfly fashion gear) and lot of mounts too (angel wings, devil wings powered up, shaoduclub combat available mount speed up, maverick plain speed up)
I actually don't have a price or something, i can accept anything, even account of other games (dofus would be better) pm me if you are interested
[Requesting] Ether Saga Online Bot 07/31/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies Requesting for ether saga online bot of Perfect World Entertainment ? Free to Play MMORPGS
Anyone can help me?. :) just started playing today.
Ether Saga Multiclient 07/30/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies kk well it turns out Ether Saga has a built in multiclient =P
this is wht u do:
1) open ur game normally how u always do.. an the little patcher window should open up were u can select ur server then enter the game
2) to open ur 2nd window goto were u installed Ether Saga (C:\..\Ether Saga Online\element) and click on "elementclient" and there u go ur 2nd window is open.. Goodluck =P
Note 1: Always open up the game how u normaly wud so u make sure u get the latest updates dont just...
[Question] Ether saga Multiclient 05/06/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies Anyone been using the multiclient in here?
if so have you ever gotten banned for it?
Ether Saga 04/27/2009 - Perfect World - 2 Replies hey all
anything here for Ether Saga??
i think its the same company that makes Perfect World