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Ofsets to entity table for Radar

Discussion on Ofsets to entity table for Radar within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Ofsets to entity table for Radar

Hello everyone,

i have big problem to locate offsets for radar. Using CE 5.4 im trying to locate count of entities ( it should follow a pointer on array of entities ) - but its really hard to find well controlled place in game where i can control an amount of entities around me. Probably there are other methods to track this pointer down? Like reverse pointer search from Name of char? Or name of random entity?

Thanks in advance.
lapilesos is offline  
Old 01/06/2009, 11:24   #2
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 6
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kk. Thanks for hint
Actualy there are a number threads with offset to table of entities but even seeing it i cant understand how to track them back from entitiy record to base table(array or list or whatever). I`ve tried Search Pointer in CE - but it didnt find this table.

This one :
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